1995.09-1999.07 同济大学 给排水工程,(学士)
1999.09-2002.03 同济大学 环境工程,(硕士)
2008.01-2012.06 加拿大 University of British Columbia 环境工程,(博士)
1999.07-2003.09 同济大学建筑设计 研究 院,水/ 污水处理工艺工程师。
2003.10-2004.06 上海环保(集团)有限公司,项目工程师。
2004.07-2007.12 德国帕沙湾- 盖格公司上海代表处,技术总监/ 应用工程师。
2012.06-2013.02 加拿大 University of British Columbia ,博士后研究员。
2013.03-2016.09 新加坡南洋理工大学,研究员。
2016.10 - 今 汕头大学土木系,教授。
2015-2016 , Environmental Quality ( 新加坡南洋理工大学)
2013-2014 ,2015-2016, , 本科生毕业论文( 新加坡南洋理工大学)
1.新加坡 EWI 项目:Degradation of Refractory Organics in an
Anaerobic Membrane BioReactor (AnMBR) using Bioaugmentation:
the Use of Quorum Sensing , 500 万元,2013-2016 。(主要完成人)
2.加拿大 NSERC 项目:Bacteriophage-based biological control of acid
mine drainage (AMD) from oil sands tailings ,50 万元,2012-2013。 。
1.Enriching acid rock drainage related microbial communities from
surface-deposited oil sands tailings
2.Stepanov, V.; Xiao, Y.; Lopez, A; Roberts, D; & Fox, G. 2016, “Draft
genome sequence of Marinobacter sp. P4B1, an electrogenic
perchlorate-reducing strain isolated from a long-term mixed
enrichment culture of marine bacteria”, Genome Announcements.
3.Xiao, Y.; De Araujo, C.; Sze, C.C. & Stuckey, D.C. 2015, “Controlling
a Toxic Shock of Pentachlorophenol (PCP) to Anaerobic Digestion
Using Activated Carbon Addition”, Bioresource Technology, 181:
4.Xiao, Y.; De Araujo, C.; Sze, C.C. & Stuckey, D.C. 2015, “Toxicity
Measurement in Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes: a
Review”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 286: 15-29.(SCI检索)
5.Chen, J.L.; Ortiz, R.; Xiao, Y.; Steele, T.W.J.; Stuckey, D.C. 2015,
“Rapid fluorescence-based measurement of toxicity in anaerobic
digestion”, Water Research, 75: 123-130.(SCI检索)
6.Stepanov, V.G.; Xiao, Y.; Tran, Q.; Rojas, M.; Willson, R.C.; Fofanov,
Y.; Fox, G.E. & Roberts, D.J. 2014, “The Presence of Nitrate
Dramatically Changed the Predominant Microbial Community in
Perchlorate Degrading Cultures under Saline Conditions”, BMC
Microbiology, 14: 225.(SCI检索)
7.Xiao, Y.; Roberts, D. 2013, “Kinetics Analysis of a Salt-Tolerant
Perchlorate-Reducing Bacterium: Effects of Sodium, Magnesium and
Nitrate”, Environmental Science and Technology, 47(15): 8666-8673.
( (SCI检索)
8.Xiao, Y.; Zuo, G.; Roberts, D.; Badruzzaman, M. & Lehman, G. 2010,
“Characterization of Microbial Populations in Pilot-Scale Fluidized
Bed Reactors Treating Perchlorate- and Nitrate-Laden Brine”, Water
Research, 44(14): 4029-4036.(SCI检索)
9.Xiao, Y.; Basu, A.; Kashyap, V. & Roberts, D. 2010, “Experimental
and Numerical Analysis of Biological Regeneration of Perchlorate
Laden Ion-Exchange Resins in Batch Reactors”. Environmental
Engineering Science, 27(1): 75-84.(SCI)
1995.09-1999.07 同济大学 给排水工程,(学士)
1999.09-2002.03 同济大学 环境工程,(硕士)
2008.01-2012.06 加拿大 University of British Columbia 环境工程,(博士)
1999.07-2003.09 同济大学建筑设计研究 院,水/ 污水处理工艺工程师。2003.10-2004.06 上海环保(集团)有限公司,项目工程师。2004.07-2007.12 德国帕沙湾- 盖格公司上海代表处,技术总监/ 应用工程师。2012.06-2013.02 加拿大 University of British Columbia ,博士后研究员。2013.03-2016.09 新加坡南洋理工大学,研究员。2016.10 - 今 汕头大学土木系,教授。
Design of a powdered activated carbon(PAC)-assisted microbial consortium for groundwater bioremediation
In tandem effects of activated carbon and quorum quenching on fouling control and simultaneous removal of pharmaceutical compounds in membrane bioreactors
Nitrite-driven abiotic transformation of sulfonamide micropollutants during freezing process
The Role of Conductive Materials in the Start-up Period of Thermophilic Anaerobic System
Insights into Quorum Quenching Mechanisms to Control Membrane Biofouling under Changing Organic Loading Rates
Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) With/without Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC)