
职称:教授, 博士生导师
广东省人工智能与现代超声工程技术研究中心 主任
汕头市电子学会 理事长
庄哲民工学博士,教授,博士生导师,学科带头人,现为广东省人工智能与现代超声工程技术研究中心、汕头大学智能超声技术联合创新实验室主任,汕头市电子学会理事长,国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金同行评议专家,广东省科技项目评审专家,广东省高校学科建设专项资金项目和广东省专业技术资格评审专家,广东省本科高校电气类专业教学指导委员会委员。并担任IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics、Pattern Recognition Letters,计量学报,传感技术学报、测试技术学报、应用科学学报等国内外学术刊物的审稿专家。多年来一直从事智能信号处理、医学影像处理、深度学习、无线传感网络等方面的工作。近年来,主持参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省重大科技专项项目、广东省自然科学基金重点项目及企业合作项目的研究共承担各类研究项目20余项,在国内外学术期刊和会议上发表论文80余篇,获得的专利10余项;获得南粤优秀教师,广东省教学成果一等奖,汕头市名师等多项省,市,学校教学、科研奖励。
1、国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于全自动乳腺容积超声成像及三维深度学习的乳腺肿瘤分割与分类模型研究与应用,55万, 项目号:82071992,2021/1-2024/12,主持人:庄哲民
4、广东省应用型科技研发专项-重大项目:适用于心脑血管专科诊断的中高端彩色多普勒超声诊断系统核心技术研发及产业化,2015B020233018,2015/11/23-2018/11/23,500万,主持人: 庄哲民
5、企业项目:智能超声技术联合创新实验室项目,210万元,2019.10-2024.10,负责人: 庄哲民
6、国家自然科学基金:基于无线传感网络的建筑火灾耦合映像格子模型研究与应用,61471228,2014/8-2018/8,83万,主持人: 庄哲民
7、国家自然科学基金:基于无线传感网络的早期火灾信息分布式压缩感知识别,61070152,,2010/8-2013/8,33万,主持人: 庄哲民
8、广东省重大科技专项:基于复合总线的智能家电一体化接口设计与标准化,2011A080401009,2011/10-2014/10,15万,主持人: 庄哲民
9、粤港关键领域重点突破项目:电力电器行业技术创新服务与支持平台,2011498C1,2012/10-2015/10,30万,主持人: 庄哲民
明专利),专利号:ZL 202011040012.9,授权日:2023.10.1
2、庄树昕、丁万里、 庄哲民,一种全容积三维超声图像的多维特征提取方法(发
4、庄哲民,庄树昕,陈敬楠,陈柱鹏 刘博:一种对红外图像阵列传感器灰尘干扰进行校准的方法与装置(发明专利),专利号:ZL201811306247.0授权日:2020年8月11日
8、 庄哲民:一种基于红外光检测汤浓度的检测装置(实用新型),专利号:ZL 2011 2 0357388.2,授权日:2011.09.20
10、庄树昕,庄哲民,陈嘉炜:一种超声图像目标增强处理方法、系统、设备及介质, 专利类型:发明专利,申请号:202311157291.0,申请日:2023 -09- 07
1. Ding Wanli;Zhang Heye;Zhuang Shuxin;Zhuang Zhemin*;Gao Zhifan. Multi-view Stereoscopic Attention Network for 3D Tumor Classification Inautomated Breast Ultrasound,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,13 July 2023 (SCI, 中科院1区,IF=8.5)
2. Ma, Kunwu ;Raj, Alex Noel Joseph ;Rajangam, Vijayarajan ;Tjahjadi, Tardi ;Liu, Minying; Zhuang, Zhemin*,Retinal spike train decoder using vector quantization for visual scene reconstruction,COMPLEX & INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS,2024-02-16,Early Access:DOI10.1007/s40747-023-01333-8(SCI,中科院二区, IF=6)
3. Zhuang Zhemin;Ding Wanli;Zhuang Shuxin;Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Wang Jinhong;Zhou, Wang;Wei Chuliang. Tumor Classification in Automated Breast Uultrasound (ABUS) Based on a Modified Extracting Feature Network,COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS,2021,90(101925)(SCI,IF:7.42,中科院2区)
4. Zeng, Huancheng ; Qiu, Siqi ; Zhuang, Shuxin ; Wei, Xiaolong; Wu, Jundong; Zhang, Ranze; Chen, Kai ; Wu, Zhiyong; Zhuang, Zhemin,Deep learning-based predictive model for pathological complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer from biopsy pathological images: a multicenter study,FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY,JAN 2024,15(1279982)(SCI, Q2, IF=1.571)(SCI, 中科院3区, IF=4)
5. Qiu, Shunmin; Zhuang, Shuxin ; Li, Bin ; Wang, Jinhong; Zhuang, Zhemin],Prospective assessment of breast lesions AI classification model based on ultrasound dynamic videos and ACR BI-RADS characteristics,FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY,NOV 2023,13(1274557)(SCI, 中科院3区, IF=4.7)
6. Liu, Minying; Raj, Alex Noel Joseph ; Rajangam, Vijayarajan ; Ma, Kunwu ; Zhuang, Zhemin; Zhuang, Zhuang, Shuxin,Multiscale-multichannel feature extraction and classification through one-dimensional convolutional neural network for Speech emotion recognition,SPEECH COMMUNICATION,NOV 2023,156(103010)(SCI, 中科院3区, IF=3.7)
7. Wang Jinhong;Chen Guiqing;Chen Shiqiang;Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Zhuang Zhemin;Xie, Lei;Ma Shuhua. Ultrasonic Breast Tumor Extraction Based on Adversarial Mechanism and Active Contour,COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE,AUG 2022,225(107052)(SCI,IF:7.03,中科院2区)
8. Chen Zihao;Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Rajangam Vijayarajan;Li Wei;Mahesh Vijayalakshmi G. V.;Zhuang Zhemin*. Twofold Dynamic Attention Guided Deep Network and Noise-aware Mechanism for Image Denoising, JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY-COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2023, 35(3): 87-102(SCI, Q1, 中科院2区,IF=7)
9. Deng Yinlong;Cai Peiwei;Zhang Li;Cao Xiongcheng;Chen Yequn;Jiang Shiyan;Zhuang Zhemin*;Wang Bi. Myocardial Strain Analysis of Echocardiography based on Deep Learning, FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE,2023,9 (1067760) ,(SCI, Q1, 中科院3区,IF=4.1)
10. Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Cai Lianhong;Li Wei; Zhuang Zhemin*;Tjahjadi Tardi. FPGA-based Systolic Deconvolution Architecture for Upsampling, PEERJ COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2022, 8: e973(SCI, Q2, IF=4.1)
11. Zhuang Zhemin;Yang Zengbiao;Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Wei Chuliang;Jin Pengcheng;Zhuang Shuxin. Breast uUrasound Tumor Image Classification Using Image Decomposition and Fusion Based on Adaptive Multi-model sSpatial Feature Fusion,COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE,2021,208(106221)(SCI,IF:7.03,中科院2区)
12. Li Wei;Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Tjahjadi Tard;Zhuang Zhemin. Fusion of ANNs as Decoder of Retinal Spike Trains for Scene Reconstruction,APPLIED INTELLIGENCE,2022,52(13):15164-15176SCI,IF:5.02,中科院2区)
13. Zhuang Zhemin;Fan Guangwen;Yuan Ye;Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Qiu Shunmin. A Fuzzy Clustering Based Color-coded Diagram for Effective Illustration of Blood Perfusion Parameters in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Videos,COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE,2020,190(105233)(SCI,IF:7.03,中科院2区)
14. Zhuang Zhemin;Liu Guobao;Ding Wanli;Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Qiu Shunmin;Guo Jingfeng; Yuan Ye. Cardiac VFM Visualization and Analysis Based on YOLO Deep Learning Model and Modified 2D Continuity Equation,COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS,2020,(SCI,IF:7.42,中科院2区)
15. Zhao Lei;Li Fei;Zhuang Zhemin*;Li Zhenwei;Luo Zejia. A Dual Half-Bridge Converter With Current Doubler Rectifier,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,2020,67(8)(SCI,IF:8.16,中科院1区)
16. Zhuang Zhemin;Lei Naihai;Raj Alex Noel Joseph;Qiu Shunmin. Application of Fractal Theory and Fuzzy Enhancement in Ultrasound Image Segmentation,MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING,2019,57(3):623-632(SCI,IF:3.2,中科院3区)
17. Zhao Lei;Chen Jikai;Chen Tongxin;Shi Yi;Fan Zhun;Zhuang Zhemin. Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current Switching Dual-Transformer-Based Full-Bridge Converter With Current Doubler Rectifier,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,2020,35(12)12949-12958(SCI,IF:5.97,中科院1区)
18. Li Wei ;Raj Alex Noel Joseph ;Tjahjadi Tardi;Zhuang, Zhemin. Digital Hair Removal by Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation,PATTERN RECOGNITION,2021,117(107994)(SCI,IF:8.52,中科院1区)
19. Zhuang Shuxin;Li Fenlan;Alex Noel Joseph Raj;Wanli Ding;Wang Zhou;Zhemin Zhuang*. Automatic Segmentation for Ultrasound Image of Carotid Intimal-media based on Improved Superpixel Generation Algorithm and Fractal Theory, COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, 2021,205(106084) (SCI, Q1,中科院2区,IF=6.1)
20. Shuxin Zhuang,Fenlan Li,Zhemin Zhuang,Wenbin Rao,Alex Noel Joseph Raj,and Vijayarajan Rajangam. Improved ECG-Derived Respiration Using Empirical Wavelet Transform and Kernel Principal Component Analysis,Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,Volume 2021, Article ID 1360414,(SCI, Q1,中科院3区,IF=3.63)
21. Adapa Dharmateja,Raj, Alex Noel Joseph,Alisetti Sai Nikhi,Zhuang Zhemin,Ganesan K,Naik Ganesh. A supervised blood vessel segmentation technique for digital Fundus images using Zernike Moment based features,PLOS ONE,2020, 15(3):(SCI, Q1, IF=3.02)
22. Alex Noel Joseph,Nersisson Ruban,Mahesh Vijayalakshmi G. V.,Zhuang Zhemin,Nipple Localization in Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Coronal Scans Using Ensemble Learning,ULTRASONIC IMAGING,2021,43(1): 29-45(SCI, Q2, IF=1.571)