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3. 汕头大学科研启动基金:地埋光纤振动检测信号的模式识别研究,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:流体管网泄漏检测的新方法与关键技术研究。(参与)

5. 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划:基于光纤海缆的海底油气管道安全预警技术研究。(参与)

6. 天津市自然科学基金重点项目:PCCP供水管道安全预警技术研究。(参与)

7. 企业横向,分布式光纤PCCP管道安全预警系统,110万元。(主要参与者)

8. 企业横向,分布式光纤管道安全预警系统,69万元。(主要参与者)

9. 企业横向,分布式光纤*****监控系统开发,9万(主要参与者)


  1. Q. Yan, Z. Wei, Z. Lin, X. Kang, W. Zhang and Yi Shi*.Apart and A Part: Overlapped vibration recognition for distributed optical fiber sensing based on deep learning separation. Optics & Laser Technology,182,112083, 2025. (SCI,TOP)

  2. Yi Shi*, X. Kang, Z. Wei, Q. Yan, Z. Lin, Z. Yu, Y. Yao, Z. Dong, C. Wei*.A data augmentation approach combining time series reconstruction and VAEGAN for improved event recognition in ϕ-OTDR. Optical Fiber Technology, 90, 2025. (SCI)

  3. Yi Shi*, L. Pan and H. Liu. Multisource Event Classification in ϕ-OTDR Through Sample Feature Synthesis. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 20, pp. 32196-32202, 15 Oct.15, 2024.(SCI)

  4. Yi Shi*, H. Liu, W.o Zhang, Z. Cheng, J. Chen, and Q. Sun, "Event recognition method based on feature synthesizing for a zero-shot intelligent distributed optical fiber sensor," Opt. Express 32, 8321-8334, 2024. (SCI,TOP)

  5. Z. Cheng and Yi Shi*, High quality phase demodulation method for direct detection Φ-OTDR.Optics Express,32(4), 6630-6643,2024. (SCI,TOP)

  6. Yi Shi, J. Chen, S. Dai, Z. Wei and C. Wei*. Φ-OTDR Event Recognition System Based on Valuable Data Selection. Journal of Lightwave Techonology. vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 961-969, 15 Jan.15, 2024. (SCI,TOP)

  7. Yi Shi, Y.o Zhang, S. Dai, L.i Zhao, and C. Xu*, Footsteps detection and identification based on distributed optical fiber sensor and double-YOLO model.Optics Express 31(25), 41391-41405 , 2023.(SCI,TOP)

  8. Y. Li, X. Zeng and Yi Shi*,A spatial and temporal signal fusion based intelligent event recognition method for buried fiber distributed sensing system. Optics & Laser Technology, 166, 109658, 2023. (SCI,TOP)

  9. T. Jiang, M. Xian, J. Wang, D. Li and Yi Shi*. Image rotation method for identification of NPW signals in the localization of pipeline leakage. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 83, pp.105075, 2023.(SCI)

  10. Yi Shi, J. Chen, S. Dai, X. Liu, and C. Wei.* Multi-signal feature fusion method with an attention mechanism for the Φ-OTDR event recognition system. Opt. Express 30(23), 42086-42096 ,2022.(SCI,TOP)

  11. Yi Shi, S. Dai, X. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. Wu, and T. Jiang*. Event recognition method based on dual-augmentation for an Φ-OTDR system with a few training samples. Optics Express, 30(17), pp. 31232-31243, 2022.(SCI,TOP)

  12. Y. Li, X. Zeng, Yi Shi*. Quickly build a high-precision classifier for Φ-OTDR sensing system based on transfer learning and support vector machine. Optical Fiber Technology, 70, pp. 102868, 2022.(SCI)

  13. Yi Shi, X. Liu and Chuliang Wei. An Event Recognition Method Based on MFCC, Superposition Algorithm and Deep Learning for Buried Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors. Optics Communications, 522, pp.128647, 2022.(SCI)

  14. Yi Shi, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhuang, and T. Jiang*. An easy access method for event recognition of Φ-OTDR sensing system based on transfer learning. Journal of Lightwave Techonology. 2021, 39(13), pp4548-4555. (SCI,TOP)

  15. T. Jiang, J. Zhu, and Yi Shi*. Detection of pipeline deformation induced by frost heave using OFDR technology. Frontiers in Physics. 2021. Vol 9, pp. 278. (SCI)

  16. Yi Shi, S. Dai, T. Jiang* and Z. Fan, A Recognition Method for Multi-Radial-Distance Event of Φ-OTDR System Based on CNN. IEEE ACCESS, vol. 9, pp. 143473-143480, 2021.(SCI)

  17. Yi Shi*, G. Chen, Y. Wang, L. Zhao and Z. Fan, "Dynamic Phase Demodulation Algorithm for Phase-Sensitive OTDR With Direct Detection," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 77511-77517, 2020. (SCI)

  18. Yi Shi*, Y. Wang, L. Wang et al. Multi-event classification for Φ-OTDR distributed optical fiber sensing system using deep learning and support vector machine[J]. Optik. 2020. 221. 165373.(SCI)

  19. 罗天林, 王砾苑, 施羿*. 基于1D-CNN的Φ-OTDR地埋光纤振动事件分类方法[J]. 光电子激光, 2020.

  20. Yi Shi*, Y. Wang, L. Zhao and Z. Fan. Discrimination method using higher-order harmonic frequencies for two close perturbations in phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry. Optik, 2019, 193, 163045.(SCI)

  21. Yi Shi*, Y. Wang, L. Zhao, et al. An Event Recognition Method for Φ-OTDR Sensing System Based on Deep Learning[J]. Sensors, 2019, 19(15): 3421.(SCI)

  22. 施羿*,王原野,赵雷. 基于双谱边际谱的Φ-OTDR临近双振源定位方法[J]. 光通信技术,2019,:1-8.

  23. Yi Shi, Farhad Ansari*, Yong Kong. Distributed Detection of Microcracks by Differential Narrowing of FWHM in BFS[J]. Optik, 2018.(SCI)

  24. 施羿, 封皓, 曾周末. Φ-OTDR型分布式全光纤传感器研究进展[J]. 自动化仪表, 2017, 38(7):70-74.

  25. Yi Shi, Hao Feng*, Zhoumo Zeng. Distributed fiber sensing system with wide frequency response and accurate location[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 77, 219-224, 2016. (SCI,TOP)

  26. Yi Shi, Hao Feng*, Yuqiu Huang, Zhoumo Zeng. Correlation dimension locating method for phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry[J]. Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(9): 091402-091402.(SCI)

  27. Yi Shi, Hao Feng*, Zhoumo Zeng. A Long Distance Phase-Sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometer with Simple Structure and High Locating Accuracy[J]. Sensors, 15(9), 21957-21970, 2015. (SCI)

  28. Yi Shi, Hao Feng*, Zhoumo Zeng. Phase-Sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometer with Dual-Wavelength Probe Pulse[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015. (SCI)

  29. Yi Shi, Xuwei Kang, ZiChong Lin, Qiren Yan, Zhixiang Wei and Chuliang Wei*. CycleGAN-Based Data Augmentation for Enhancing Classification Accuracy in Φ-OTDR Systems. in 2024 22st International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN). 2024. (EI国际会议)

  30. Yi Shi, ZiChong Lin, Jiewei Chen, Xuwei Kang, Qiren Yan,and Chuliang Wei*. Research on Vibration Event Classification in Φ− OTDR Systems Using MFCC Feature Extraction and Improved Swin Transformer. in 2024 22st International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Harbin, China, 2024. (EI国际会议)

  31. Yi Shi, Jiewei Chen, Xuwei Kang and Chuliang Wei*, "An Φ-OTDR event recognition method based on Transformer," in 2023 21st International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Qufu, China, 2023.

  32. Yi Shi, Hao Feng*, Yang An, Xin Feng, and Zhoumo Zeng. . Research on wavelet analysis for pipeline pre-warning system based on phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry, In 2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM) Paris, France, 2014, pp.1177-1182. (IEEE国际会议, EI)

  33. L. Zhao, J. Chen, T. Chen, Y. Shi, Z. Fan and Z. Zhuang, "Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current Switching Dual-Transformer-Based Full-Bridge Converter With Current Doubler Rectifier," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 12949-12958, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2997017. (SCI)

  34. L. Zhao, Z. Luo, Z. Fan and Y. Shi, "A Dual Half-Bridge Converter With Hybrid Rectifier for DC Power Supply in Railway Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 4579-4587, May 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2946046. (SCI)

  35. Kong, Y., Liu, Y., Shi, Y., Ansari, F., & Taylor, T. (2018). Research on the ϕ-OTDR fiber sensor sensitive for all of the distance. Optics Communications, 407, 148-152. (SCI)

  36. Kong Yong, Ding Wei, Li Zhiwei, Zhang Yujing, & Yi Shi . (2019). Double mach–zehnder acoustic emission interferometer for detection of damage in structures. Optics Communications, 459(3), 125076 (SCI)

  37. Zhou Sha, Hao Feng, Yi Shi, and Zhoumo Zeng, "Phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer with ultrafast data processing based on GPU parallel computation," Appl. Opt. 57, 2679-2685, 2018 (SCI).

  38. Sha, Z., Feng, H., Shi, Y., Zhang, W., & Zeng, Z. (2017). Phase sensitive OTDR with 75km single-end sensing distance based on RP-EDF amplification. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. (SCI)

  39. Sha, Z. , Feng, H. , Shi, Y. , & Zeng, Z. . (2019). Polarization Control for Dual Mach-Zehnder Fiber Vibration Sensor Using Simulated Annealing. 2019 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). IEEE.(EI国际会议)

  40. Sha, Z. , Feng, H. , Shi, Y. , & Zeng, Z. . (2017). Intrusion Location with Breaking-the-Pulse-Width-Limit Spatial Resolution and High Robustness based on φ-OTDR and Spatial Frequency Analysis. International Conference on Optical Communication Systems. (EI国际会议)





    1.施羿,张颖超,戴尚玮,刘心语,李映焕,魏楚亮. 一种基于零次学习的光纤预警系统未知事件分类方法. ZL202110747347.2 (发明专利,已授权)

    2.施羿,戴尚玮,李映焕,张颖超,范衠. 一种基于迁移学习的光纤预警系统事件分类方法. ZL2021105256724. (发明专利,已授权)

    3.施羿,王原野,赵雷,范衠. 应力、温度和振动复合检测光纤传感器及信号处理方法,Zl201910382455.7. (发明专利,已授权)

    4.施羿,范衠,赵雷. 一种基于多变频OFDR的分布式光纤传感系统及传感方法. ZL201810554954.5. (发明专利,已授权)

    5.赵雷, 范衠, 施羿. 一种新型零电压开关全桥直流变换器. ZL201810945826.3. (发明专利,已授权)

    6.赵雷,范衠,施羿. 一种基于元器件复用的半桥—全桥组合式直流变换器. ZL201811292961.9. (发明专利,已授权)

    7.赵雷,范衠,施羿. 一种混合整流式零电压开关全桥直流变换器. ZL201811292594.2 (发明专利,已授权)

    8.徐春莺,吴信捷,梁瑞鑫,魏楚亮,施羿,黄楷彬. 一种基于传感光栅阵列的海底电缆形变监测系统. ZL202210576615.3 (发明专利,已授权)

    9.封皓,施羿,曾周末,张宇,靳世久. 基于脉冲编码外调制的分布式光纤振动传感方法及其系统,ZL201410301334.2. (发明专利,已授权)

    10.封皓,施羿,孙茜,曾周末,靳世久. 一种光纤预警系统及模式识别方法,ZL201410494088.7. (发明专利,已授权)

    11.封皓,施羿,王大伟,曾周末,靳世久.一种复合原理光纤传感系统和传感方法,ZL201510018333.1. (发明专利,已授权)

    12.封皓,施羿,沙洲,曾周末,靳世久. 一种复合型光纤传感系统和传感方法,ZL201510593821.5. (发明专利,已授权)

    13.封皓,沙洲,施羿,严雪莹,曾周末. 一种基于无源中继放大的远距离相位敏感光时域反射仪,ZL201710312951.6. (发明专利,已授权)

    14.施羿,封皓,高潮. 一种压力管道泄漏信号检测实验系统,ZL201620382674.7. (实用新型,已授权)



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