汕头大学卓越人才计划优秀人才,以第一和通讯作者发表SCI论文44篇(中科院一区TOP 16篇),EI 1篇等,申请国家发明专利15项,已授权10项。主持国家基金2项,中国博士后科学基金面上、贵州省自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金面上及湖南省自然科学基金各1项等十余项课题。
1) 智能制造(机器学习和深度学习)、数字孪生、数控加工
2) 碳化硅SiC晶圆、氮化镓GaN芯片激光-机械超精密加工、润滑机理与仿生机械摩擦学
3) 先进涂层设计及制造
2023.7–至今 汕头大学 工学院 副教授
2017.9 – 2023.6 贵州大学 机械工程学院 讲师/副教授
2019.1 – 2022.6 湖南大学博士后 机械与运载工程学院 合作导师:段辉高
2014.9 –2017.6湖南大学 机械工程 硕博连读 导师:陈根余
2012.9 – 2014.6湖南大学 力学 硕士 导师:方棋洪、刘又文
1) 国家地区科学基金,12162008,微结构化仿生表面单晶SiC和金刚石砂轮的激光制备及其磨削机理研究,2022.01-2025.12,49.4万,在研,主持
2) 国家青年科学基金,52105178,复合表面微织构单晶金刚石车刀超精密切削单晶硅机理研究, 2022.01-2024.12,30万,已结题,主持
3) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,复合抗磨涂层仿生微结构化表面自润滑金刚石砂轮的制备与其磨削单晶GaN基础研究,2025.01-2027.12,10万,在研,主持
4) 汕头大学科研启动经费, NTF23015,仿生表面金刚石砂轮精密磨削单晶SiC的界面冷却润滑机理研究,2023.07-2029.07, 80万, 在研,主持
5) 湖南省自然科学基金,2022JJ40056,微织构单晶金刚石车刀超精密切削单晶硅的实验和数值研究,2022.01-2024.12, 已结题,主持
6) 中国博士后科学基金,2019M662765,微结构化新型金刚石磨粒化学机械抛光硬脆材料机理研究, 2019.12-2021.1,8万,已结题,主持
7) 贵州省科学技术基金一般项目, 黔科合基础[2020]1Y227,激光微结构化的金刚石磨粒化学机械抛光硬脆材料机理研究,2020.03-2023.03, 10万, 已结题,主持
1. Houfu Dai, WenQiang Peng*. Materials removal mechanism for ultra-precise cutting of single-crystal silicon with natural single-crystal diamond tools by experiment and atomic simulation. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 2024, 123: 106774. (中科院一区Top,IF= 4.2)
2. Shuai Zhang, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Atomic-scale simulations of constant-load scratching of gallium nitride under monolayer graphene lubrication. Diamond & Related Materials. 2024, 142: 110731. (中科院三区, 小类二区,IF= 4.3)
3. Xiaoyang Li, Hao Liu, Hao Du*, Fugui Zhang, Jie Shi, Hengning Hu, Mingqiang Xie, Liuquan Yang, Houfu Dai*(共同通讯). Carbon defect induced evolution of structural and mechanical properties in substoichiometric (HfMoNbZr)Cx films. Tribology International. 2023, 190: 109034. (中科院一区TOP,IF= 6.1)
4. Houfu Dai*, Weilong Wu, Ping Li*. Atomistic simulation on the removal mechanism of monocrystal silicon carbide with textured surface nano-machining in water lubrication. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2023, 98: 95-112. (中科院一区 TOP,IF= 6.1)
5. Zezheng Ou, Weilong Wu, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Quantitative analysis of grinding performance of cubic silicon carbide surface texture lubricated with water film. Tribology International. 2023, 180: 108267. (中科院一区TOP,IF= 6.1)
6. Xiaosong Meng, Weilong Wu, Bokai Liao, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Atomic simulation of textured silicon carbide surface ultra-precision polishing. Ceramics International. 2022, 48(12): 17034-17045. (中科院二区,小类一区,TOP,IF= 5.1)
7. Jianjun Kang, Hao Liu, Hao Du*, Jie Shi, Linlin Wang, Liuquan Yang, Houfu Dai*(共同通讯). Microstructure, mechanical properties, Electrical resistivity, and corrosion behavior of (AlCr)x(HfMoNbZr)1-x films. Applied Surface Science.2023,629:157368. (中科院一区TOP, IF= 6.3)
8. Weilong Wu, Yang Hu, Xiaosong Meng, Bokai Liao, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Molecular dynamics analysis of the influence of ion implantation parameters on ultra-precision machining of silicon carbide. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2022, 82: 174-191. (中科院一区TOP,IF= 6.1)
9. Weilong Wu, Yang Hu, Xiaosong Meng, Jianbo Dai, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Molecular dynamics simulation of ion-implanted single-crystal 3C-SiC nano-indentation. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2022, 79: 356-368. (中科院一区TOP,IF= 6.1)
10. Minghao Chen, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Molecular dynamics study on grinding mechanism of polycrystalline silicon carbide. Diamond & Related Materials. 2022, 130: 109541. (中科院三区, 小类二区,IF= 4.3)
11. Ping Li#, Siyu Chen#, Tan Jin, Jun Yi, Wei Liu, Qiaoping Wu, Wenqiang Peng, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Machining behaviors of glass-ceramics in multi-step high-speed grinding: grinding parameter effects and optimization. Ceramics International. 2021, 47(4): 4659-4673. (中科院二区,小类一区,TOP,IF= 5.1)
12. Houfu Dai, Yang Hu, Weilong Wu, Haixia Yue, Xiaosong Meng, Ping Li, Huigao Duan*. Molecular dynamics simulation of ultra-precision machining 3C-SiC assisted by ion implantation. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2021, 69: 398-411. (中科院一区TOP,IF= 6.2)
13. Houfu Dai, Haixia Yue, Yang Hu, Ping Li*. The removal mechanism of monocrystalline Si in the process of double diamond abrasive polishing by molecular dynamics simulation. Tribology Letters. 2021, 69(2): 66. (中科院三区, 小类二区,IF= 2.9)
14. Houfu Dai*, Yuqi Zhou, Ping Li*,Yunfei Zhang. Evolution of nano-cracks in single-crystal silicon in ultraprecision mechanical polishing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2020, 58: 627-636. (中科院一区TOP,IF= 6.1)
15. Ping Li, Tan Jin, Hang Xiao, Zhiquan Chen, Meina Qu, Houfu Dai*(共同通讯), Siyu Chen*. TOPographical characterization and wear behavior of diamond wheel at different processing stages in grinding of N-BK7 optical glass. Tribology International. 2020, 151: 106453. (中科院一区TOP,IF= 6.1)
16. Ping Li, Siyu Chen, Hang Xiao, Zhiquan Chen, Meina Qu, Houfu Dai*(共同通讯), Tan Jin*. Effects of local strain rate and temperature on the workpiece subsurface damage in grinding of optical glass. International journal of mechanical sciences. 2020, 182: 105737. (中科院一区TOP, IF= 7.1)
17. Ping Li, Tan Jin, Hang Xiao, Zhiquan Chen, Meina Qu, Houfu Dai*(共同通讯), Siyu Chen*. Effects of wheel speed on surface/subsurface damage characteristics in grinding of glass-ceramics. Ceramics International. 2020, 46: 17717-17728. (中科院二区,小类一区,TOP,IF= 5.1)
18. Houfu Dai*, Fa Zhang, Jianbin Chen. A study of ultraprecision mechanical polishing of single-crystal silicon with laser nano-structured diamond abrasive by molecular dynamics simulation. International journal of mechanical sciences. 2019, 157: 254-266. (中科院一区TOP, IF= 7.1)
19. Houfu Dai, Genyu Chen*, Cong Zhou, Qihong Fang,Xinjiang Fei. A numerical study of ultraprecision machining of monocrystalline silicon with laser nano-structured diamond tools by atomistic simulation. Applied Surface Science. 2017, 393: 405-416. (中科院一区TOP, IF= 6.3)
20. Cheng Jing, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Mechanism of three-body abrasive grain grinding on GaN textured surfaces under uniform acceleration and variable depth. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2025, 185:108951 (中科院三区, IF= 4.2)
21. Shuai Zhang, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Effect of Diamond Grain Shape on Gallium Nitride Nano-grinding Process. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2024, 171:108034 (中科院三区, IF= 4.2)
22. Shuai Zhang, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Simulation of nano-grinding of GaN textured surface under ionic liquids lubrication. Materials Today Communications. 2024, 39: 109387 (中科院三区, IF= 3.8)
23. Wei Fan*, Kang Min, Houfu Dai*(共同通讯), Zhiwei Su. The contour error evaluation based on spherically-approximated patches for freeform surface. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2024: 1-24. (中科院三区, IF= 2.9)
24. Guanglan Hu, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Influence of metal coating on the nano-cutting process of cubic silicon carbide. Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2024, 38(1): 73-85. (中科院三区, IF= 1.6)
25. YongLong Chen, Weilong Wu, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Overview of titanium alloy cutting based on machine learning. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2023: 126: 4749-4762. (中科院三区, IF= 2.9)
26. Xiulin Ji *, KunPeng Guan, Yayun Bao, Zhong Fa Mao, Fengtao Wang, Houfu Dai*(共同通讯). Effect of Nb Addition on the Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Laser Clad AlCr2FeCoNi High-Entropy Alloy Coatings. Lubricants. 2023, 12(1): 5 (中科院三区,IF= 3.1)
27. Houfu Dai*, Weilong Wu, Yang Hu. Lubricating effect of graphene during ultra-precision mechanical polishing by atomic scale simulation. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022, 236(6-7): 946-954. (中科院三区, IF= 1.9)
28. Xiaosong Meng, Haixia Yue, Weilong Wu, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Simulation of abrasive polishing process of single crystal silicon based on molecular dynamics. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022 , 121(11): 7195-7211. (中科院三区, IF= 2.9)
29. Houfu Dai*, Yuqi Zhou, Fa Zhang. Atomistic simulation of influence of laser nano-structured diamond abrasive on the polishing behavior of silicon. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2020, 105:104706 (中科院三区, IF= 4.2)
30. Houfu Dai*, Fa Zhang, Yuqi Zhou. Numerical study of three-body diamond abrasive polishing single crystal Si under graphene lubrication by molecular dynamics simulation. Computational Materials Science. 2020, 171:109214 (中科院三区, IF= 3.1)
31. Hao Liu, Hao Du*, Guang Xian, Yun Chen, Houfu Dai*(共同通讯). Ab initio calculation of corundum structured α-(Al0.75Cr0.22Me0.03)2O3 compounds (Me = Si, Fe, Mn, Ti, V and Y). Computational Materials Science. 2022, 212: 111601. (中科院三区, IF= 3.1)
32. Houfu Dai*, Hao Du, Jianbin Chen, Genyu Chen. Influence of elliptical vibration on the behavior of silicon during nanocutting. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019, 102(9): 3597-3612. (中科院三区, IF= 2.9)
33. Houfu Dai*, Shaobo Li, Genyu Chen. Comparison of subsurface damages on mono-crystalline silicon between traditional nanoscale machining and Laser-assisted nanoscale machining via molecular dynamics simulation. Nucl Instrum Meth B. 2018, 414: 61-67. (中科院三区, IF= 1.4)
34. Houfu Dai, Genyu Chen*, Shaobo Li, Qihong Fang, Bang Hu. Influence of laser nano-structured diamond tools on the cutting behaviour of silicon by molecular dynamics simulation. RSC Advances. 2017, 7(25): 15596-15612. (中科院三区, IF= 3.9)
35. Zezheng Ou, Weilong Wu, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Molecular dynamics simulation-based study of single-crystal 3C-SiC nano-indentation with water film. Applied Physics A. 2023, 129: 658. (中科院四区, IF= 2.5)
36. Houfu Dai, Weilong Wu, Wei Fan*, Hao Du*. Investigation on mechanism of ultraprecision three-body polishing of single-crystal silicon carbide with voids by molecular dynamics simulation. Applied Physics A. 2022, 128(9): 1-19. (中科院四区, IF= 2.5)
37. Guanglan Hu, Weilong Wu, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯). Atomistic study of nano-cutting bicrystal cubic silicon carbide. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2023, 237(7): 1706-1718. (中科院四区, IF= 1.8)
38. Yuqi Zhou, Houfu Dai*(唯一通讯), Ping Li. Mechanism of crack evolution in nano-indentation of single crystal silicon by atomistic simulations and theoretical analysis. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2022, 236(2): 997-1008. (中科院四区, IF= 1.8)
39. Houfu Dai*, Fa Zhang, Yuqi Zhou, Jianbin Chen. Numerical study of three-body diamond abrasive nanoindentation of single-crystal Si by molecular dynamics simulation. Applied Physics A. 2019, 125(5): 348. (中科院四区, IF= 2.5)
40. Houfu Dai*, Jingjing Chen, Guojie Liu. A numerical study on subsurface quality and material removal during ultrasonic vibration assisted cutting of monocrystalline silicon by molecular dynamics simulation. Materials Research Express. 2019, 6 (6): 065908. (中科院四区, IF= 1.8)
41. Houfu Dai*, Hao Du, Jianbin Chen, Genyu Chen. Investigation of tool geometry in nanoscale cutting single crystal copper by molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2019, 233(8): 1208-1220. (中科院三区, IF= 1.6)
42. Houfu Dai*, Shaobo Li, Genyu Chen. Molecular dynamics simulation of subsurface damage mechanism during nanoscratching of single crystal silicon. Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2019, 233(1): 61-73. (中科院三区, IF= 1.6)
43. Houfu Dai*, Genyu Chen. A molecular dynamics investigation into the mechanisms of material removal and subsurface damage of nanoscale high speed laser-assisted machining. Molecular Simulation. 2017, 43(1): 42-51. (中科院四区, IF= 1.9)
44. Houfu Dai, Genyu Chen*, Qihong Fang, Jiu yin. The effect of tool geometry on subsurface damage and material removal in nanometric cutting single-crystal silicon by a molecular dynamics simulation. Applied Physics A. 2016, 122(9): 1-16. (中科院四区, IF=2.5)
45. 岳海霞,戴厚富*,胡洋,周玉琪 双磨粒抛光单晶Si的分子动力学模拟,表面技术,2021,50(09):370-378.(EI,通讯)
46. 吴威龙,胡洋,胡光兰,陈明浩,戴厚富* 硅注入单晶立方碳化硅的纳米压痕研究,工具技术,2023,57(04), 52-57(中文核心,通讯)
47. 胡洋,戴厚富*,周玉琪,岳海霞 纳米压痕有缺陷单晶硅的分子动力学分析,组合机床与自动化加工技术,2021,(06):25-28 (中文核心,通讯)
48. 周玉琪,戴厚富*, 周林莉 三体抛光过程中单晶硅内纳米裂纹的演化研究,组合机床与自动化加工技术,2020,(08):74-78. (中文核心,通讯)
49. 张法,戴厚富* 基于分子动力学的金刚石磨粒在石墨烯润滑下三体抛光单晶硅的数值研究,组合机床与自动化加工技术,2020(04):51-56+60. (中文核心,通讯)
50. 戴厚富 浅谈课程改革背景下数控机械教学改革,内燃机与配件,2018,23:239-240,省级教改论文
1. 一种基于复合涂层及仿生鸟羽结构的金刚石砂轮及其制备方法 发明人: 戴厚富; 胡立鸿;李虓宇 专利号:CN 202410744990.3 申请日:2024.6.11
2. 一种复合抗磨涂层组合结构化砂轮及其制备方法 发明人: 戴厚富; 胡立鸿;李虓宇 专利号:CN 202410745649.X 申请日:2024.6.11
3. 一种复合涂层微结构化的金刚石砂轮及其制备方法 发明人: 戴厚富; 胡立鸿;李虓宇 专利号:CN 202410745305.9 申请日:2024.6.11
4. 一种叶脉仿生表面金刚石切削刀具的激光制备方法 发明人: 戴厚富; 蒙小松;岳海霞;吴威龙 专利号:ZL 202011381394.1 申请日:2020.12.1,授权日:2023.4.7
5. 一种表面功能复合结构化单晶碳化硅的制备方法 发明人: 戴厚富; 岳海霞;蒙小松 专利号:ZL 202011380135.7 申请日:2020.11.30,授权日:2023.3.21
6. 一种金刚石砂轮微纳织构化涂层的制备方法 发明人: 戴厚富; 胡洋;吴威龙 专利号:ZL 202011319843.X 申请日:2020.11.23,授权日:2023.1.31
7. 新型激光结构化金刚石磨粒抛光垫及其磨粒结构化方法 发明人: 戴厚富; 周玉琪; 张法 专利号:ZL201910285226.3 申请日:2019.4.10,授权日:2019.12.13
8. 一种涂层微结构化仿生表面金刚石刀具的加工方法 发明人: 戴厚富; 吴威龙;胡洋;蒙小松 专利号:ZL 202011301524.6 申请日:2020.11.19,授权日:2024.2.27
9. 一种低温下获得的晶态立方三氧化二铝铬稳定结构涂层及其制备方法 发明人: 杜昊; 施杰;戴厚富;张泽 专利号:ZL 202011193963.X 申请日:2020.10.30,授权日:2023.04.07
10. 一种无基体偏压下获得的刚玉和立方结构三氧化二铝铬混合相涂层及其制备方法 发明人: 杜昊;施杰;张泽; 戴厚富 专利号:ZL202011198043.7 申请日:2020.10.30,授权日:2023.2.14
11. 一种基于脉冲激光加工的新型正前角金刚石磨具制造方法 发明人: 陈根余; 殷赳; 周聪; 戴厚富; 王彦懿; 熊彪 专利号:ZL201610281488.9 申请日:2016.4.29,授权日:2018.4.27
12. 一种高熵超晶格氮化物涂层及其制备方法 发明人: 杜昊; 戴厚富; 张泽; 李潇阳; 刘浩; 康建军 专利号:CN202210725009.3 申请日:2022.6.23,授权日:2023.6.20
13. 一种高结晶性单相高熵氮化物涂层及其制备方法 发明人: 杜昊; 张泽; 戴厚富; 康建军; 刘浩; 李潇阳 专利号:CN202210725010.6 申请日:2022.6.23,授权日:2023.7.21
14. 一种自润滑超硬涂层及其制备方法 发明人: 杜昊; 张泽; 戴厚富 申请号:CN202010539933.3
15. 一种滚动体沿螺旋线分布的无轨道精密止推轴承 发明人: 凌四营; 杨振湘; 彭峙雄; 王奉涛; 戴厚富;张嘉阳; 王洪建 专利号:CN202410265208.X 申请日:2024.3.8
1. 贵州能源工程研究院 副理事长
2. 中国机械工程学会高级会员、广东省机械工程学会摩擦分会理事
3. 广东工业大学学报青年编委
4. 担任许多国内外SCI期刊的审稿人
5. 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家
1. 指导研究生获国奖4人次(2017级张法、2018级周玉琪、2021级欧泽正、2022级张帅),贵州省优秀硕士毕业生1人次(周玉琪),贵州大学优秀硕士毕业生3人次(张法、2020级吴威龙和欧泽正),指导的硕士毕业生1人去湖南大学攻读博士学位(张法),3人去华中科技大学攻读博士学位(周玉琪、2019级胡洋和吴威龙)