博士, PhD, Mechanical design
硕士, MS, Mechanical design
学士, BS, Mechanical design
华盛顿大学, 航空航天部/生物启发工程研究所, 访问学者,工作内容:折纸艺术启发下的机械超材料的静力学和动力学行为研究——Aug 2017 -Feb 2018
香港大学, 李嘉诚医学院, 访问学者, 工作内容:多孔材料在组织工程中的工作机理——Dec 2013-Mar 2014
维也纳技术大学, 机械学院, 访问学者,工作内容:多孔结构的设计与制造——Jul -Sep 2013
天津理工大学, 机械工程学院, 副教授,工作内容:多孔/超材料的“结构-性能”研究——Jan 2010-Mar 2019
汕头大学, 工学院, 教授,工作内容:多孔/超材料的“结构-性能”研究——Mar 2019-Now
Advanced Materials
Advanced Functional Materials
Composite Structures
Materials Science and Engineering C
Medical Engineering & Physics
Materials Letters
Optics & Laser Technology
European Journal of Operational Research
大幅度调控多孔组织工程支架生物力学性能的新方法研究 (2021ZDZX2007)——2022年1月-2024年12月
基于人工神经网络的非匀质多孔结构智能设计和生物力学研究(2021A1515010318) 2021年01月- 2023年12月
新型折叠式、模块化声子晶体静力学和动力学性能的“可编程”机理研究 (11872046)—— 2019-2022
•天津市自然科学基金,重点项目:折纸艺术启发下新一代可编程声子超材料机械性能研究(18JCZDJC10030)—— 2019
For the design of mechanical metamaterials & composite porous structures
For the research of mechanical metamaterials
For the research as to foldable metamaterials
For the design and fabrication of biomimetic porous structures
For the study in Hong Kong University as to the application of porous structures as tissue engineering scaffolds
•奥地利Eurasia-Pacific Uninet 学者奖学金——2013
For the study in Austria as to porous structure design
For the design of composite porous structures
For the design and fabrication of composite porous structure
For the design and fabrication of porous structures with bioactive glass
[31] Nan Yang*, Yong Deng, and Xiaodong Niu. Deployable-Structure-Based Artificial Muscles Generating Coded Forces. Advanced Materials Technologies 2021, 2100493.
[30] Nan Yang*, Yifan Song, Jinlun Huang, Yuetao Chen, Ian Maskery*. Combinational design of heterogeneous lattices with hybrid region stiffness tuning for additive manufacturing. Materials & Design 209 (2021) 109955.
[29] Nan Yang*, Chun-Wei Chen, Jinkyu Yang, Jesse L. Silverberg*. Emergent reconfigurable mechanical metamaterial tessellations with an exponentially large number of discrete configurations. Materials & Design 196 (2020) 109143.
[28] Nan Yang*, Yong Deng, Zhongfa Mao, Suian Wang, Xiaodong Niu, Nan Wu*. Cross-like lattices with tailorable mechanical properties. Materials Letters 281 (2020) 128617.
[27] Nan Yang*, Mingkai Zhang, Rui Zhu*. 3D kirigami metamaterials with coded thermal expansion properties. Extreme Mechanics Letters 40 (2020) 100912.
[26] Yong Deng, Zhongfa Mao, Nan Yang, Xiaodong Niu*, and Xiangdong Lu. Collaborative Optimization of Density and Surface Roughness of 316L Stainless Steel in Selective Laser Melting. Materials 2020, 13, 1601; doi:10.3390/ma13071601.
[25] Nan Yang*, Y. Deng, Z.F. Mao, Y.T. Chen, N. Wu, X.D. Niu. New network architectures with tunable mechanical properties inspired by origami. Materials Today Advances (2019) 4, 100028.
[24] Nan Yang*, Mingkai Zhang, Rui Zhu*, Xiao-dong Niu*. Modular metamaterials composed of foldable obelisk-like units with reprogrammable mechanical behaviors based on multistability. Scientific Reports (2019) 9, 18812.
[23] Nan Yang. Novel structural design method inspired by DNA and origami. Results in Engineering (2019) 4, 100069.
[22] Nan Yang and Jesse L. Silverberg. Decoupling local mechanics from large-scale structure in modular metamaterials. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). (2017) 114 (14) 3590–3595.
[21] Nan Yang, Shoujun Wang, Lilan Gao, Yutao Men, Chunqiu Zhang. Building implicit-surface-based composite porous architectures. Composite Structures 173 (2017) 35–43.
[20] Gao Li-Lan, Wei Chao-lei, Zhang Chun-Qiu, Gao Hong, Yang Nan, Dong Li-Min. Quasi-static and ratcheting properties of trabecular bone under uniaxial. Materials Science and Engineering C 77 (2017) 1050–1059.
[19] Cheng-Fei Du, Nan Yang, Jun-Chao Guo, Yun-Peng Huang and Chunqiu Zhang. Biomechanical response of lumbar facet joints under follower preload: a finite element study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:126.
[18] Nan Yang, Chengfei Du, Shoujun Wang, Yuwei Yang, Chunqiu Zhang. Mathematically defined gradient porous materials. Materials Letters 173 (2016) 136–140.
[17] Nan Yang, Dawei Zhang, Yanling Tian. Novel real function based method to construct heterogeneous porous scaffolds and additive manufacturing for use in medical engineering. Medical Engineering & Physics 37(2015) 1037-1046.
[16] Nan Yang, Lilan Gao, Kuntao Zhou. Simple method to generate and fabricate stochastic porous scaffolds. Materials Science and Engineering C 56 (2015) 444–450.
[15] Nan Yang, Dawei Zhang, Yanling Tian. The validity analysis of regression: combining uniform experiment design with nonlinear regression. Applied Mathematics 6 (2015) 996-1008.
[14] Nan Yang, Dawei Zhang, Yanling Tian. Tooth surface design for variable transmission ratio bevel gearing. Applied Mathematics 6 (2015) :1685-1695.
[13] Nan Yang. Letter to the Editor concerning “The relationship between porosity and specific surface in human cortical bone is subject specific” by Lerebours C.et al.; Bone 72 (2015)109-117.
[12] Nan Yang. The connectedness of the structure generated by the midpoint displacement algorithm. Computers & Geosciences 79 (2015)129–130.
[11] Nan Yang, Dawei Zhang, Yanling Tian. A Pure Mathematical Relationship between Pitch and Position for Stringed Instruments. Applied Mathematics 5 (2014)1503-1507.
[10] Nan Yang. Correction for porous scaffold structure design. Materials Science and Engineering C 42 (2014) 46–47.
[9] Nan Yang, Kuntao Zhou. Effective method for multi-scale gradient porous scaffold design and fabrication. Materials Science and Engineering C 43 (2014) 502–505.
[8] Nan Yang, Zhi Quan, Dawei Zhang, Yanling Tian. Multi-morphology transition hybridization CAD design of minimal surface porous structures for use in tissue engineering. Computer-Aided Design 56 (2014) 11–21.
[7] Nan Yang. Concentration model based on movement model of powder flow in coaxial laser cladding. Optics & Laser Technology 41(2009)94-98.
[6] Nan Yang, Huajun Dong, Ping Hu. The behavior of powder particles in coaxial laser cladding. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering volume: 7843 pages: 78430Z (12 pp.) year: 2010.
[5] Nan Yang, Xi-chen Yang. Digital Image Measurement Of Velocity Field Of Powder Fluid In Laser Manufacturing. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 5, No. 8. (2008), pp. 1522-1525.
[4] Nan Yang, Xichen Yang. Powder Flow Field Distribution with Different Parameters in Coaxial Laser Cladding. No.68250X Conference on Lasers in Material Processing and Manufacturing III, Volume: 6825 (2008) Pages: X8250-X8250.
[3] 杨楠,杨洗陈. 激光熔覆中粉嘴流场的数值模拟. 中国激光 35 (2008), 452-455.
[2] 杨楠,杨洗陈. 激光熔覆中金属粉末粒子与激光相互作用模型. 光学学报28 (2008),1745-1750.
[1] 杨楠,杨洗陈. 粉末流场数字图像处理技术的一种新算法. 中国激光 34 (2007), 368-371.