2007/09 – 2010/07,汕头金山中学
2017/09 – 2022/12,华南理工大学软件学院,软件工程,博士
Yinan Chen, Wenbin Ye, and Dong Li. Spectral Clustering Community Detection Algorithm Based on Point-Wise Mutual Information Graph Kernel. Entropy, 2023, 25(12): 1617. (SCI JCR 2区)
Yinan Chen, Chuanpeng Wang, and Dong Li. An Information-Theoretic Approach for Detecting Community Structure Based on Network Representation. Applied Sciences, 12(9), 2022: 4203. (SCI JCR 2区)
Yinan Chen, Dong Li, and Meng Ye. A multi-label propagation algorithm for community detection based on average mutual information. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2022: 2749091. (SCI JCR 3区)
Yinan Chen, Zhuanming Gao, Dong Li. Graph Embedding Models for Community Detection. SEKE 2022: 34th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge, July 2022, Pages 640-645. (CCF-C)
Yinan Chen, Chuanpeng Wang, and Dong Li. MINC-NRL: an information-based approach for community detection. Algorithms, 15(1), 2022: 20.
李东, 程鸣权, 徐杨, 袁峰, 陈奕男, 付雅晴. (2019). 基于平均互信息的最优社区发现方法. 中国科学:信息科学, 49(5), 17. (北京大学中文核心)
Dongjie Li, Dong Li, Chuanpeng Wang, Yinan Chen. Network Embedding Method Based on Semantic Information. AISS 2021: 2021 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Science and System. Sep 2021, Pages 1-6.