(1) 2015.02~2016.02,圣路易斯华盛顿大学(泰晤士世界大学排名第50位),美国,计算机科学和工程学院,访问学者
(1)第1作者. Multi-scale random walk driven adaptive graph neural network with dual-head neighboring node attention for CT segmentation.Applied Soft Computing, 133, 2023. (中科院2区期刊,SCI影响因子: 6.725)
(2)通讯作者. Topological structure and global features enhanced graph reasoning model for non-small cell lung cancer segmentation from CT.Physics in Medicine & Biology, 68(2), 2023. (中科院2区期刊,SCI影响因子: 3.609)
(3)第1作者. Learning multi-scale heterogeneous representations and global topology for drug-target interaction prediction. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26(4):1891-1902, 2022. (中科院1区top期刊,SCI影响因子: 7.021)
(4)第1作者. Learning global dependencies and multi-semantics within heterogeneous graph for predicting disease-related lncRNAs. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(5), bbac361, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(5)第1作者. Convolutional bi-directional learning and spatial enhanced attentions for lung tumor segmentation.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 226, 2022. (中科院2区期刊,SCI影响因子: 5.428)
(6)第1作者. Multi-type neighbors enhanced global topology and pairwise attribute learning for drug-protein interaction prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(5), bbac120, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(7)第1作者. Graph based multi-scale neighboring topology deep learning for kidney and tumor segmentation.Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67(22), 2022. (中科院2区期刊,SCI影响因子: 3.609)
(8)第1作者. Fully connected autoencoder and convolutional neural network with attention-based method for inferring disease-related lncRNAs. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(3), bbac089, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(9)通讯作者. Learning multi-scale heterogenous network topologies and various pairwise attributes for drug-disease association prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(2), bbac009, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(10)第1作者. GVDTI: graph convolutional and variational autoencoders with attribute-level attention for drug-protein interaction prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(1), bbab453, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(11)通讯作者. Inferring drug-target interactions based on random walk and convolutional neural network. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 19(4): 2294-2304, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 3.016)
(12)第1作者. Heterogeneous multi-scale neighbor topologies enhanced drug-disease association prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(3), bbac123, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(13)第1作者. Semantic meta-path enhanced global and local topology learning for lncRNA-disease association prediction. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2022. (CCF推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 3.016)
(14)第1作者. Integrating specific and common topologies of heterogeneous graphs and pairwise attributes for drug-related side effect prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(3), bbac126, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(15)通讯作者. Prediction of drug–disease associations by integrating common topologies of heterogeneous networks and specific topologies of subnets. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(1), bbab467, 2022. (中国计算机学会推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(16)第1作者.Dynamic graph convolutional autoencoder with node attribute-wise attention for kidney and tumor segmentation from CT volumes.Knowledge-based Systems, 1-16, 2021.(中科院1区top期刊,SCI影响因子: 8.038)
(17)第1作者. Graph convolutional autoencoder and fully-connected autoencoder with attention mechanism based method for predicting drug-disease associations. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25(5): 1793-1804, 2021. (中科院1区top期刊,SCI影响因子: 7.021)
(18)通讯作者. Graph convolutional autoencoder and generative adversarial network-based method for predicting drug-target interactions. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 19(1): 455-464, 2020. (ESI高被引论文,CCF推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 3.016)
(19)通讯作者. Prediction of drug-related diseases through integrating pairwise attributes and neighbor topological structures. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 19(5): 2963-2974, 2021. (CCF推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 3.016)
(20)第1作者. Integrating multi-scale neighbouring topologies and cross-modal similarities for drug-protein interaction prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 22(5), bbab119, 2021. (CCF推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 13.994)
(21)第1作者. Prediction of drug-target interactions based on network representation learning and ensemble learning. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 18(6): 2671-2681, 2021. (CCF推荐的B类国际期刊,SCI影响因子: 3.016)
我们课题组与美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学(泰晤士世界大学排名第50位)的Zhang教授、日本千叶大学(泰晤士世界大学排名,第801到1000之间)的Nakaguchi教授、澳大利亚La Trobe大学(泰晤士世界大学排名,第251到300之间)的Cui博士,具有长期的合作和交流。对于具有科研热情和工作勤奋的同学,可以优先推荐到国外读博;对于有意在国内读博的同学,则优先推荐到哈尔滨工业大学、吉林大学、天津大学等国内知名学府~