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博士,教授,硕士生导师,广东省数字内容管理工程技术研究中心核心成员,汕头大学“新一代信息技术与数字创新(物联网)联合实验室”副主任,主持国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、广东高校优秀青年教师培养计划项目等科研课题10余项,在《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、《Designs Codes and Cryptography》、《Discrete Applied Mathematics》、《密码学报》、《通信学报》、《计算机研究与发展》等国内外权威期刊,ISIT、ChinaCrypt等国内外重要会议发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/EI索引20多篇。







2005年9月—2010年6月 复旦大学,计算机应用技术,博士

2001年9月—2005年6月 华南理工大学,数学与应用数学,本科


2023年9月—至今 汕头大学,数学与计算机学院,教授

2010年7月—2023年9月 汕头大学,工学院计算机系,副教授

2020年9月—2021年9月 汕头大学,研究生院,副院长(挂职)













[1] DIP支付下基金监管本土化智能审核系统关键技术研究,汕头市科技计划项目,第二合作单位负责人,2022.06-2024.06

[2] 汕头市本地化DIP结算病种分值库,汕头市医疗保障局委托项目,2021.05-2021.09

[3] 区块链中布尔函数的安全性研究,广东高校重点科研平台和项目(重点领域专项),2020.09-2023.08

[4] 基于公安视频大数据应用系统的研发,2020年广东省“大专项+任务清单”项目,第二合作单位负责人,2020.01-2021.12

[5] 布尔函数快速代数免疫性研究,广东省自然科学基金项目(面上项目),2020.01-2022.12

[6] 涂邓猜想及其在密码学中的应用研究,广东省科技计划项目,2019.10-2021.09

[7] 应用交付中安全密码技术研究及应用,广东省重点领域研发计划项目子课题,2019.06-2021.12

[8] 代数免疫最优布尔函数构造研究,广东省科技计划项目,2018.10-2020.09

[9] 云计算中数据安全研究,广东高校省级重大科研项目(特色创新类),2016.01-2017.12

[10] 代数免疫最优布尔函数研究,广东省自然科学基金项目(面上项目),2015.08-2018.07

[11] 代数免疫最优旋转对称布尔函数的构造研究,广东高校优秀青年教师培养计划项目,2014.01-2016.12

[12] 代数免疫最优布尔函数的构造,广东省高校“育苗”项目,2012.01-2013.12

[13] 布尔函数代数免疫性研究,国家自然科学基金项目(青年基金项目),2012.01-2014.12


[1] Xianmang He, Yindong Chen*, Zusheng Zhang, Kunxiao Zhou, Parallel sub-code construction for constant-dimension codes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-022-01065-9

[2] Xianmang He, Yindong Chen*, Zusheng Zhang, Jianguang Dun, Enhancing echelon-ferrers construction for constant dimension code. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12190-021-01680-0

[3] Yindong Chen*, Jie Ruan, Xuxi He. Constructing even-variable RSBFs with higher nonlinearity, optimal AI and almost optimal FAI. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (2021), June 2021, vol 68, 1669-1683.

[4] Xianmang He, Yindong Chen*, Zusheng Zhang, Kunxiao Zhou. New Construction for Constant Dimension Subspace Codes via a Composite Structure. IEEE Communications Letters, 2021, 25(5): 1422-1426.

[5] Xianmang He, Yindong Chen*, Zushang Zhang. Improving the Linkage Construction with Echelon-Ferrers for Constant-Dimension Codes. IEEE Communications Letters, 2020, 24(9): 1875-1879.

[6] Yindong Chen, Liu Zhang, Fei Guo, Weihog Cai, Fast Algebraic Immunity of 2m+2 & 2m+3 variables Majority Function, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2019/286, 2019, https://eprint.iacr.org/

[7] Yindong Chen, Fei Guo, Zhangquan Gong, Weihong Cai. One Note about the Tu-Deng Conjecture in case w(t)=5. 密码学进展-ChinaCrypt2018,成都,2018.

[8] Yindong Chen, Fei Guo, Jie Ruan. Constructing Odd-Variable RSBFs with Optimal Algebraic Immunity, Good Nonlinearity and Good Behavior Against Fast Algebraic Attacks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2019, vol. 262, pp.1-12.

[9] Yindong Chen, Liu Zhang, Deng Tang, Weihong Cai. Translation Equivalence of Boolean Functions Expressed by Primitive Element. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Science, 2019, E102-A(4): 672-675.

[10] Yindong Chen, Fei Guo, Hongyan Xiang, Weihong Cai, Xianmang He. Balanced Odd-variable RSBFs with Optimum AI, High Nonlinearity and Good Behavior Against FAAs. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Science, 2019, E102-A(06): 818-824.

[11] Yindong Chen and Peizhong Lu. Two Classes of Symmetric Boolean Functions with Optimum Algebraic Immunity: Construction and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2011, 57(4): 2522-2538.

[12] Yin-dong CHEN, Xiao-jin XU and Liu ZHAN. An Accountability Scheme for Cloud Storage Leakage. 2018 International Conference on Computer, Electronic Information and Communications, CEIC2018, 2018.

[13] Yindong Chen, Liping Li, Zirang Chen. An Approach to Verifying Data Integrity for Cloud Storage, Proceedings - 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2017, 2018:582-585.

[14] 何贤芒,陈银冬*,李东,郝艳妮,基于项目合作的社会关系网络构建,计算机研究与发展,2016,53(4):776-784

[15] 何贤芒,陈银冬*,李东,郝艳妮,基于环概化的半同构泛化算法研究,计算机研究与发展,2015,52(10):2382-2394

[16] Yindong Chen, Wei Tian and Ya-nan Zhang. A proof of constructions for balanced boolean function with optimum algebraic immunity, International Journal of Security and its Applications, 2015, 9(2):111-122

[17] Yindong Chen, Wei Tian, Ya-nan Zhang. Construction for Balanced Boolean Function with Maximum Algebraic Immunity. 7th International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering and Its Applications, ASEA2014, 32-34

[18] Yindong Chen, Hongyan Xiang, Ya-Nan Zhang. New construction of even-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions with optimum algebraic immunity. International Journal of Security and its Applications, 2014, 8(1):307-318

[19] 陈银冬,张亚楠,田威,具有最优代数免疫度的偶数元旋转对称布尔函数的构造,密码学报,2014, 1(5): 437-448

[20] 陈银冬,向洪艳,张亚楠. 代数免疫度最优的偶数元旋转对称布尔函数的构造. 计算机应用,2014,34(2):444-447

[21] Yindong Chen, Hongyan Xiang, Ya-Nan Zhang. On the Construction of odd-variable Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions with Optimum Algebraic Immunity. 密码学进展-ChinaCrypt2013,福州,2013

[22] Yindong Chen. A Family Constructions of Odd-Variable Boolean Function with Optimum Algebraic Immunity. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, Volume 259, 43-52.

[23] Yindong Chen. A Construction of Balanced Odd-variable Boolean Function with Optimum Algebraic Immunity. 2011 Seventh International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, 852-855.

[24] Yindong Chen. Construction of Even-variable Boolean Function with Optimum Algebraic Immunity. 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control, 1957-1960.

[25] 陈银冬,陆佩忠. 互补对称布尔函数的非线性度. 密码学进展-ChinaCrypt2011,长沙,科学出版社,2011,79-83.

[26] 陈银冬,陆佩忠. 未知生成多项式时环Z/(pe)上本原序列的还原算法. 密码学进展-ChinaCrypt2010,北京,科学出版社,2010,47-61.

[27] Yindong Chen and Peizhong Lu. Fast Computation of Gröbner basis of ideals of F[x, y]. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2009), 2795-2798.

[28] 陈银冬,陆佩忠. 偶数变元代数免疫最优布尔函数的构造方法. 通信学报, 2009, 30(11): 64-70.

[29] 陈银冬,陆佩忠. 代数免疫最优布尔函数的一阶递归构造法. 密码学进展-ChinaCrypt2009,广州,科学出版社,2009,49-57. ChinaCrypt2009优秀论文奖

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