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职 称:讲师



Email: chengshengli@stu.edu.cn


2015 - 2020直博 岩土工程 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所(导师:孔令伟 研究员)

2011 - 2015本科 勘查技术与工程 西北大学





1. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:适用于岩土材料细观三维位移场测量的数字体图像相关方法研究,2025-2027.

2. 广东省科技专项:基于图像测量的边坡预警研究,2021- 2023.


1. iDVC (基于CT扫描的三维位移场、应变场测量分析软件):https://github.com/lichengshengHK/iDVC

2. FreeDIC (基于二维图像的位移场、应变场测量分析软件):https://github.com/lichengshengHK/FreeDIC


1. Chengsheng Li, Lingwei Kong, et al. Determination of damage evolution characteristics in granite residual soil shear bands by micro-CT-based advanced digital volume correlation. Engineering Geology, 2024, 333: 107505. (IF=7.4,中科院1区)

2. Chengsheng Li, Lingwei Kong, Ran An. Evolution of cracks in the shear bands of granite residual soil. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 14(6): 1956-1966. (IF=7.3,中科院1区)

3. Chengsheng Li, Lingwei Kong, et al. Dynamic three-dimensional imaging and digital volume correlation analysis to quantify shear bands in grus. Mechanics of Materials, 2020, 151:103646. (IF=4.137,中科院2区)

4. Kai Wu, Qingshan Meng, Chi Wang, Qinglong Qin, Chengsheng Li. Experimental investigation of damage evolution characteristics of coral reef limestone based on acoustic emission and digital volume correlation techniques. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 56: 2357-2374. (IF=6.518,中科院2区, iDVC应用的合著论文)

5. Chengsheng Li, Rongjun Shu. Accurate and simple digital volume correlation using pre-interpolation. Measurement Science and Technology, 2020, 31(9): 095201. (IF=2.4,中科院3区)

6. Li Chengsheng, Zhang Bingxin, Liu Zhijun, Kong Lingwei, Shu Rongjun. Mesoscopic measurement of damage and shear bands of granite residual soil using Micro-CT and digital volume correlation. Journal of Mountain Science, 2023, 20(11): 3423-3436. (IF=2.5, 中科院3区)

7. Chengsheng Li, Lingwei Kong, et al. Disintegration characteristics in granite residual soil and their relationship with the collapsing gully in South China. Open Geosciences, 2020, 12(1):1116-1126. (中科院4区)

8. 黎澄生, 孔令伟, 等. 花岗岩残积土剪切带上的细观结构损伤规律. 岩土力学, 2023, 44(11):3203-3212, 3181.

9. 黎澄生, 张炳鑫, 刘智军. 花岗岩残积土复杂次生裂隙的分类与损伤特征. 岩土力学, 2023, 44(10):2879-2888.

10. 黎澄生, 安 然, 舒荣军, 孔令伟. 花岗岩残积土初期崩解规律与数学形态学方法近似模拟. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(4):845-854.

11. 黎澄生, 孔令伟, 等. 土-水特征曲线滞后阻塞模型. 岩土力学, 2018, 39(2):598-604.

12. 黎澄生, 贾鹏飞. 基于χ~2函数的e-p曲线模型. 水文地质工程地质, 2016, 43(4):84-88. (核心, 本科论文)

13. 黎澄生, 康卫东, 等. 基于玫瑰花图的地下水三氮基线值测定方法. 环境化学, 2015, 34(6):1221-1222. (核心, 本科论文)

14. Bingheng Liu, Lingwei Kong, Chengsheng Li, et al. Evolution of Shear Band in Plane Strain Compression of Naturally Structured Clay with a High Sensitivity. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12: 1180. (中科院4区, FreeDIC应用合著论文)

15. An Ran, Kong Lingwei, Zhang Xianwei, Li Chengsheng. Effects of dry-wet cycles on three-dimensional pore structure and permeability characteristics of granite residual soil using X-ray micro computed tomography. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 14(3): 851-860. (IF=7.3,中科院1区)

16. Liu Xinyu, Zhang Xianwei, Kong Lingwei, Wang Gang, Li Chengsheng. Multiscale structural characterizations of anisotropic natural granite residual soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2023, 60(9): 1383-1400. (IF=3.6, 中科院3区)

17. 安然, 孔令伟, 黎澄生, 等. 炎热多雨气候下花岗岩残积土的强度衰减与微结构损伤规律. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 39(09): 1902-1911.

18. 安然, 黎澄生, 孔令伟, 等. 花岗岩残积土原位力学特性的钻探扰动与卸荷滞时效应. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 42(01): 109-116.

19. 舒荣军, 孔令伟, 柏巍, 黎澄生. 单轴荷载下残积土的电阻率损伤模型及干湿循环效应. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 39(S1): 3159-3167.

20. 舒荣军, 孔令伟, 黎澄生, 等. 考虑先期卸荷静偏应力的花岗岩残积土动力特性研究. 2022, 振动与冲击, 41(17): 93-100.

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