1. Xiaoming Liu, Benliang Yang, Lin-Shuang Zhao*, Wan-Huan Zhou. (2020). “Experimental Investigation of Water Flow through Vesicular Fractures in Volcanic Rock”. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 20(10): 04020170. SCI.
2. Lin-Shuang Zhao, Wan-Huan Zhou*, Ka-Veng Yuen, Behzad Fatahi. (2019). “A closed-form solution for column-supported embankments with geosynthetic reinforcement”. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 47(3), 389-401. SCI.
3. Lin-Shuang Zhao, Wan-Huan Zhou*. (2019) “Analytical solution for the consolidation of unsaturated soil considering thermal changes”. Proceedings of the 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. EI.
4. Lin-Shuang Zhao, Wan-Huan Zhou*, Li-Jun Su, Ankit Garg, Ka-Veng Yuen. (2019). “Selection of Physical and Chemical Properties of Natural Fibers for Predicting Soil Reinforcement”. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31 (10), 04019212. SCI.
5. Wan-Huan Zhou, Lin-Shuang Zhao*, Thomas Man Hoi Lok, Guo Xiong Mei, and Xiao Bo Li. (2018). “Analytical Solutions to the Axisymmetrical Consolidation of Unsaturated Soils”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 144(1): 04017152. SCI.
6. Wan-Huan Zhou*, Lin-Shuang Zhao, Guang-Ming Chen, Ka-Veng Yuen. (2018) “3D geologic modeling with borehole data by general regression neural network”. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management. EI
7. Lin-Shuang Zhao, Wan-Huan Zhou*, Ka-Veng Yuen. (2017). “A simplified axisymmetric model for column supported embankment systems”. Computers and Geotechnics, 92: 96-107. SCI.
8. Wan-Huan Zhou, Thomas Man Hoi Lok, Lin-Shuang Zhao*, Guo Xiong Mei, and Xiao Bo Li. (2017). “Analytical solutions to the axisymmetric consolidation of a multi-layer soil system under surcharge combined with vacuum preloading”. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 45(5): 487-498. SCI.
9. Wan-Huan Zhou*, Lin-Shuang Zhao, Ankit Garg, Ka-Veng Yuen. (2017). “Generalized analytical solution for the consolidation of unsaturated soil under partially permeable boundary conditions”. International Journal of Geomechanics. 17(9): 04017048. SCI.
10. Lin-Shuang Zhao, Wan-Huan Zhou*, Behzad Fatahi, Xi-Bin Li, Ka-Veng Yuen. (2016). “A dual beam model for geosynthetic-reinforced granular fill on an elastic foundation”. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(21): 9254-9268. SCI.
11. Wan-Huan Zhou*, Lin-Shuang Zhao, Xi-Bin Li. (2014). “A simple analytical solution to one- dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils”. International Journal for Numerical and analytical Methods in Geomachnics, 38: 794-810. SCI, JCR Q2.
12. Wan-Huan Zhou*, Lin-Shuang Zhao. (2014). “One-dimensional consolidation of unsaturated soil subjected to time-dependent loading under various initial and boundary conditions”. International Journal of Geomechanics, 14(2): 291-301. SCI.
13. Wan-Huan Zhou*, Lin-Shuang Zhao. (2014). “Consolidation of two-layer system for unsaturated soil with differential quadrature method”. Geotechnical Special Publication (234 GSP), 3994-4003. EI.
14. Wan-Huan Zhou*, Lin-Shuang Zhao, Xi-Bin Li. (2014). “Analytical Study for Geosynthetic Reinforced Embankment on Elastic Foundation”. Geotechnical Special Publication (238 GSP), 444-451. EI.
15. Wan-Huan Zhou*, Lin-Shuang Zhao. (2013). “Influence of different initial and boundary conditions to one dimensional consolidation of unsaturated soil”. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 35(S1): 305-311. EI.
16. Wan-huan Zhou, Ren-peng Chen*, Lin-shuang Zhao, Zheng-zhong Xu, Yun-min Chen. (2012). “A semi-analytical method for the analysis of pile-supported embankments”. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 13(11): 888-894. SCI.