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[12]Heat Transfer Analysis for Temperature-Sensitive-CoatingMearsurement,The US Air Force Small Business Innovation Research(SBIR) ProgramPhase II : Contract No. FA9101-17-C-0024,参与

[13]Quantitative Global Heat Transfer in a Mach-6 Quiet Tunnel,NASA NRA NNX08AC97A,参与



TianshuLiu, Zemin Cai, ‘Inverse problems in global flow diagnostics,’ 1st ed. 2023, Springer.



[1]Zhengyuan Fan, Zemin Cai,“Randomepipolarconstraint loss functions for supervised optical flow estimation,”Pattern Recognition, 2024.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2023.110141(中科院一区Top)

[2]XiaoxinLiao, Zemin Cai, Jun Chen,TianshuLiu, and Jian-huangLai,“Physics-based optical flow estimation under varying illumination conditions,”Signal Processing : Image Communication, 2023.

[3]蔡泽民,廖小鑫,赖剑煌,陈军, “结构纹理感知下的鲁棒光流估计及人脸活检应用,”中国图象图形学报,2023.

[4]J.Chen, Z. M.Cai, G.G.Yang, and T. S.Liu, “Motion estimation for complex fluid flows using Helmholtz decomposition,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022.(中科院一区Top)

[5] J. Chen, H. Duan, Y. Song, Z. M. Cai, and G.G.Yang,“Optical flow computation for video under the dynamic illumination,”IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.(中科院一区Top)

[6] J. Chen, J. H. Lai, Z. M. Cai, X. H. Xie, and Z. Pan, “Optical flow estimation based on frequency-domain regularization,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021.

[7] J. Chen, Z. M. Cai, J. H. Lai, and X. H. Xie, “Efficient segmentation-basedPatchMatchfor large displacement optical flow estimation,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2019.

[8] J. Chen, Z. M. Cai, J. H. Lai, and X. H. Xie, “A filtering based framework for optical flow estimation,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2018.

[9] J. Chen, Z. M. Cai, J. H. Lai, and X. H. Xie, “Fast optical flow estimation based on the Split Bregman method”,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2018.

[10] B. Wang, Z. M. Cai, T. S. Liu, and L. X. Shen, “An analysis of physics-based optical flow,”Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2015.(中科院二区Top)


[1] Z. M. Cai, T.S.Liu, J.Montefort, S. Stanfield, S.Palluconi, and J. Crafton, “Numerical inverse method for calculating heat flux in temperature-sensitive-coating measurement on a finite base,”International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018.(中科院一区Top)

[2] T.S.Liu, J.Montefort, S. Stanfield, S.Palluconi, J. Crafton, and Z. M. Cai, “Inverse heat transfer methods for global heat flux measurements in aerothermodynamics testing,”Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2019.(中科院一区Top)

[3] T.S.Liu, and Z. M. Cai,“Inverse heat transfer methods for temperature-sensitive-paint measurements,”首届中国空气动力学大会,四川绵阳, 2018.

[4] T.S.Liu, J.Montefort, S. Stanfield, S.Palluconi, J. Crafton, and Z. Cai, “Analytical inverse heat transfer method for temperature-sensitive-coating measurement on a finite base”,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018.

[5] Z. M. Cai, T.S.Liu, J. H. Lai, J. Rubal, and J. P. Sullivan, “Numerical inverse heat transfer analysis for temperature-sensitive-paint measurements in hypersonic tunnels,”Journal ofThermophysicsand Heat Transfer, 2011.

[6] T.S.Liu, Z. M. Cai, J. H.Lai, J. Rubal, and J. P. Sullivan, “Analytical method for determining heat flux from temperature-sensitive-paint measurements in hypersonic tunnels,”Journal ofThermophysicsand Heat Transfer, 2011.


[1] Z. M. Cai, D. M. Salazar, T. Chen, and T.S.Liu, “Determining surface pressure from skin friction,”Experiments in Fluids, 2022.(中科院二区,升级版)

[2] Z. M. Cai, Y. Liu, T. Chen, and T.S.Liu, “Variational method for determining pressure from velocity in two dimensions,”Experiments in Fluids, 2020.

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