2019.09-2024.06 华南理工大学(硕博连读1+4) 机械工程专业 获工学博士学位
2023.01-2024.01 新加坡国立大学 机械工程专业 国家公派联合培养
2015.09-2019.6 华东理工大学 机械设计制造及其自动化 获得工学学士学位
1. 高效大尺寸激光选区熔化增材制造及复合工艺与装备,广东省重点研发计划项目:304万,参与,2020.01-2024.01
2. 激光选区熔化过程飞溅物形成机理、特征与立体控制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目:72万,参与,2020. 01-2023. 01
3. 大尺寸复杂金属构件激光选区熔化金属增材制造控形/控性研究,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金:100万,参与,2022. 01-2023. 01
1. Correlation between the scan strategy, residing spatter distribution, and parts quality in laser powder bed fusion,第1作者,Materials and Design,2023.10,(SCI中科院一区TOP IF:8.4)
2. Effects of gas flow parameters on droplet spatter features and dynamics during large-scale laser powder bed fusion,第1作者,Materials and Design 2023.01,(SCI中科院一区TOP IF:8.4)
3. The surface quality, microstructure and properties of SS316L using a variable area scan strategy during quad-laser large-scale powder bed fusion,第1作者,Materials Science and Engineering: A 2023.04 (SCI中科院一区TOP IF:6.4)
4. Flow field analysis for multilaser powder bed fusion and the influence of gas flow distribution on parts quality,第1作者,Rapid Prototyping Journal(SCI中科院四区 IF:3.9)
5. Influence mechanism of laser delay on internal defect and surface quality in stitching region of 316L stainless steel fabricated by dual-laser selective laser melting,第3作者,Journal of Manufacturing Processes(SCI中科院二区 IF:6.1)
6. Influence of shielding gas flow consistency on parts quality consistency during large-scale laser powder bed fusion,第3作者,Optics & Laser Technology 2023.09 (SCI中科院二区 IF:4.9)
7. 大尺寸粉末床激光熔融流场分析及在线监控研究进展,第3作者,机械工程学报 2023.09,EI收录
8. Effect of axial static magnetic field on microstructure evolution, performance, and melt pool signals of AlSi10Mg fabricated by laser powder bed fusion,第5作者,Optics & Laser Technology(SCI中科院二区 IF:4.9)
9. The microstructure and properties evolution of SS316L fabricated by magnetic field-assisted laser powder bed fusion,第7作者,Materials Science and Engineering A 2022.07 (SCI中科院二区 IF:6.4)
10. Investigation of 316L microstructure evolution mechanism and mechanical properties in dual-laser powder bed fusion with controllable remelting time interval ,第6作者, Materials and Design 2024.09 (SCI中科院二区 IF:8.4)
11. In-situ synthesis of high strength and toughness TiN/Ti6Al4V sandwich composites by laser powder bed fusion under a nitrogen-containing atmosphere ,第8作者,Composites Part B: Engineering 2023.03 (SCI中科院二区 IF:12.7)
12. Frontiers in Laser Additive Manufacturing Technology,第11作者,Additive Manufacturing Frontiers ,2024.07
1. 杨永强;刘子欣;翁丰强;陈锌;周瀚翔;陈子瑜,铺粉装置及激光选区熔化设备,实用新型授权,专利号:ZL202220119746.4
2. 杨永强;刘子欣;陈子瑜;周瀚翔;魏宏鸣,激光选区熔化装置的风口设计方法、系统、装置及介质,发明公开,CN14492242A
3. 杨永强;周瀚翔;于佳明;刘子欣;宋长辉;樊胜杰,一种基于激光选区熔化的合金增材制造控制系统,实用新型授权,专利号:ZL202122359727.7
4. 杨永强; 陈子瑜; 刘子欣;王晗,一种激光选区熔化的紧凑型均匀出风结构,发明公开,公开号:CN115609012A