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2023.10~至今 汕头大学

Ø 所在机构:汕头大学,工学院,机械工程系

Ø 岗 位:讲师(十级)

Ø 研究方向:大尺度宇航空间机构设计与在轨控制方法研究

2018.09~2023.07 博士学位

Ø 所在机构:哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),机电工程与自动化学院,机械工程专业

Ø 导 师:李兵教授

Ø 研究方向:空间桁架式可展开变胞抓取机械手设计与控制方法研究


Ø 10/10/2023-至今 汕头大学-工学院-机械工程系

[1] 横向课题:“高性能多轴联动毛刺加工中心理论设计与样机试制”,经费15万,主持,(2024-12~2025-12,在研)。

[2] 横向课题:“高性能多轴联动并联机床理论设计与产品制造”,经费75万,主持,(2025-01~2027-12,在研)。

[3] 汕头大学课程考核改革建设项目“基于机器人产业驱动的机械课程多维度动态自主考核体系探索与实践”,经费0.8万,主持,(2024-09~2026-08,在研)

[4] 汕头大学科研启动项目“面向空间非合作目标的大尺度可展开抓取机构理论设计与在轨操控方法研究”,NTF23019,经费50万,主持,(2023-11~2026-10,在研)

Ø 09/2018-07/2023 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)

[1] 作为核心成员参与研究国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目“空间大尺度可变构型智能结构体理论设计与控制方法研究”,U1613201,经费339万,参与,(2017-01~2020-12,结题)

[2] 作为核心成员参与研究国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于变刚度柔性关节的刚柔耦合可收展机械臂构型设计与控制方法研究”,52075113,经费60万元,参与,(2021-01~2024-12,结题)

Ø 09/2015-07/2018 西安电子科技大学(太白校区)

[1] 作为主要成员参与研究星载大型环形桁架式可展开索网天线的型面精度调整方法。



Ø 参与机器人技术与系统相关国际期刊审稿

  • Mechanism and machine theory; ASME transactions on journal of mechanical design; ASME transactions on journal of mechanisms and robotics; IEEE access; Robotica; Science China technological sciences.

Ø 参加机器人技术与系统国际会议并作报告

  • The IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics (ROBIO 2024), December 10-14, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand.

  • The IEEE international conference on cyborg and bionic systems (CBS 2024), November 24-26, 2024, Nagoya, Japan.

  • The 17th international conference on intelligent robotics and applications (ICIRA 2024), July 31- August 02, 2024, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.

  • The 6th IEEE-IFToMM international conference on reconfigurable mechanisms and robots (ReMar 2024), June 23-26, 2024, Chicago, The United States.

  • IEEE international conference on cyborg and bionic systems (CBS 2022), March 24-26, 2023, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

  • The 14th international conference on intelligent robotics and applications (ICIRA 2021), October 22- 25, 2021, Yantai, Shandong, China.

  • The IEEE international conference on real-time computing and robotics (RCAR 2020), September 28- 29, 2020, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan.

  • The IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics (ROBIO 2019), December 06-08, 2019, Dali, Yunnan, China.

Ø 参加机器人技术与系统专业研讨会

  • The 5th annual conference of china robotics society (CCRS2024), August 02-04, 2024, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.

  • The 2th annual conference of china robotics society (CCRS2019), August 10-12, 2019, Shenyang, Liaoning, China.



  • 第二届全国大学生职业规划大赛-汕头大学校赛决赛



  • 第二届全国大学生职业规划大赛-汕头大学工学院院赛


叶 亮,学号-2024621013,汕头大学-24级-机械设计制造及其自动化,本科,铜奖



  • 三等奖-第十六届全国大学生数学竞赛-广东省赛



  • 三等奖-第二十六届中国机器人及人工智能大赛-全国总决赛




  • 二等奖-第二十六届中国机器人及人工智能大赛-广东省选拔赛





  • 银奖-2024中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛-材料热处理创新创业赛-大区赛








  • 优秀本科毕业论文,黄梓谦,学号-2020621020,汕头大学-20级-机械设计制造及其自动化。

  • 优秀本科毕业论文,冯炜哲,学号-2020621008,汕头大学-20级-机械设计制造及其自动化。

  • 优秀本科毕业论文,林泽宏,学号-2020621100,汕头大学-20级-机械设计制造及其自动化。



1. Changqing Gao, Xi Kang*, Hong Lei, Peng Xu, Bing Li*. Design and analysis of a novel large-scale two-fold deployable mechanism. Mechanism and machine theory, vol. 186, p. 105352, 2023.

2. Changqing Gao, Yang Zhang, Xi Kang*, Peng Xu, Bing Li*. Dynamic analysis of a three-fingered deployable metamorphic robotic grasper. Mechanism and machine theory, vol. 180, p. 105140, 2023.

3. Changqing Gao, Hailin Huang*, Bing Li*, Guanglu Jia. Design of the truss-shaped deployable grasping mechanism using mobility bifurcation. Mechanism and machine theory, vol. 139(4), pp: 346-358, 2019.

4. Changqing Gao, Hailin Huang*, Yao Li, Bing Li*. Design and analysis of a novel three-fingered deployable metamorphic robotic grasper. Journal of mechanical design - transactions on ASME, vol. 144(8), p. 083302, 2022.

5. Changqing Gao, Jiahao Wang, Xiaojun Yang, Bing Li*. Design and analysis of a novel truss-shaped variable-stiffness deployable robotic grasper. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp: 112944-112956, 2020.

6. Changqing Gao, Hanlin Wang, Piaopiao An, Bowen Chen, Yongjie Zhao, Xuelin Du, Jixue Mo*. Structural design and performance analysis of a novel deployable robotic gripper with arc-shaped scissor mechanism. Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics (ROBIO 2024), December 10-14, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand.

7. Changqing Gao, Hanlin Wang, Wenxue Zhou, Yongjie Zhao, Jiajun Wu, Xuelin Du*. Mechanism design and kinematic analysis of a novel origami-inspired deployable redundant robotic arm. Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics (ROBIO 2024), December 10-14, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand.

8. Changqing Gao, Hanlin Wang, Junran Yu, Yongjie Zhao, Xuelin Du, Jixue Mo, Fei Liu*. Mechanism design and performance analysis of a novel truss-shaped deployable manipulator. Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on cyborg and bionic systems (CBS2024), November 20-22, 2024, Nagoya, Japan.

9. Changqing Gao, Runkai Fan, Hanlin Wang, Yongjie Zhao, Xuelin Du*. Thermal analysis of a deployable metamorphic robotic grasper based on finite element method. Proceedings of the 17th international conference on intelligent robotics and applications (ICIRA2024), July 31-August 2, 2024, Xi’an, Shannxi, China.

10. Changqing Gao, Hanlin Wang, Yongjie Zhao, Xuelin Du, Fei Liu*. Design of a novel multi-mode deployable aerospace mechanism. Proceedings of the 17th international conference on intelligent robotics and applications (ICIRA2024), July 31-August 2, 2024, Xi’an, Shannxi, China.

11. Changqing Gao, Yuanfeng Huang, Jixue Mo, Fei Liu, Yongjie Zhao, Xin Wang*. Adaptive impedance control of a three-fingered deployable metamorphic robotic grasper. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE-IFToMM international conference on reconfigurable mechanisms and robots (ReMar 2024), June 23-26, 2024, Chicago, USA.

12. Changqing Gao, Yang Zhang, Peng Xu, Xi Kang, Bing Li*. Envelope grasping planning of a three-fingered deployable metamorphic robotic grasper. Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on cyborg and bionic systems (CBS 2022), March 24-26, 2023, pp: 80-85, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

13. Changqing Gao, Bing Li*, Chonglei Hao, Fujun Peng, Aiguo Wu. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of a novel 5-DOF multi-fingered deployable robotic gripper. Proceedings of the 14th international conference on intelligent robotics and applications (ICIRA 2021), October 22-25, 2021, pp: 415-424, Yantai, Shandong, China.

14. Changqing Gao, Hailin Huang, Gang Yang, Bing Li, Ke Huang*. Design and analysis of a novel 3-DOF deployable grasping mechanism. Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on real-time computing and robotics (RCAR 2020), September 28-29, 2020, pp: 199-203, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan.

15. Changqing Gao, Hailin Huang, Bing Li*. Design and analysis of a novel deployable robotic grasper. Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics (ROBIO 2019), December 06-08, 2019, pp: 481-486, Dali, Yunnan, China.


1. 高长青, 周文雪, 甘阳洲, 李健晖, 黄源丰, 钟桂生, 郭嘉楠, 夏雷雷. 一种基于变胞自锁的模块化空间大尺度可展开平台. 中国: 2024117544054.

2. 高长青, 王瀚林, 甘阳洲, 叶亮, 郭嘉楠, 钟桂生, 夏雷雷, 王奉涛. 一种可末端自锁的双层环形可展开周边桁架. 中国: 2024117544266.

3. 高长青, 安飘飘, 甘阳洲, 范瑞楷, 余均然, 赵永杰, 钟桂生, 郭嘉楠. 一种桁架式混联可展开包络抓取机械手. 中国: 2024117544247.

4. 高长青, 李健晖, 王瀚林, 赵永杰, 王奉涛, 夏雷雷. 一种新型星载大尺度可展开索网天线周边桁架装置. 中国: 2024109609964.

5. 高长青, 王瀚林, 赵永杰, 吴嘉俊, 王奉涛, 夏雷雷. 一种基于弧形剪叉机构的单自由度抓取机械手. 中国: 2024109610073.

6. 高长青, 王瀚林, 范瑞楷, 赵永杰, 杨楠, 郭嘉楠. 一种大型星载可展开天线周边桁架装置. 中国: 2024109610158.

7. 高长青, 李健晖, 王瀚林, 赵永杰, 吴嘉俊, 王土坤. 空间可展开抓取机械手装置. 中国: 2024105936365.

8. 高长青, 王瀚林, 赵永杰, 吴嘉俊, 王土坤. 空间大尺度桁架式可展开抓捕装置. 中国: 2024105937226.

9. 高长青, 余均然, 王瀚林, 赵永杰, 吴嘉俊, 王土坤. 基于折纸的模块化超冗余机械臂以及抓取机械手. 中国: 2024105256770.

10. 高长青, 杜敬利, 段学超, 崔传贞. 一种基于皮带传动的仿人型平面多关节机器人. 中国: ZL 201610338940.0.

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