2009/09 - 2013/07 上海交通大学,机械工程及其自动化,学士
2013/09 - 2020/09 上海交通大学,机械工程,博士
2021.02 至今,汕头大学,讲师
国家科技支撑计划,2015BAG04B00 ,基于双离合器的混联式机电耦合系统开发及产业化,2015.07-2017.12,参与,结题。
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[4] HUANG J, ZHANG J, YIN C. Comparative study of motor speed synchronization control for an integrated motor–transmission powertrain system[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019: 095440701986289.
[5] HUANG J, ZHANG J, HUANG W et al. Feedforward-feedback shift control with disturbance compensation of a two-speed transmission for electric vehicles[C]. 32nd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS32), 2019: 5. (国际会议)
[6] HUANG J, ANGELOV P P, YIN C. Interpretable policies for reinforcement learning by empirical fuzzy sets[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Ltd, 2020, 91(November 2019): 103559.
[7] HUANG W, ZHANG J, HUANG J et al. Optimal Speed Regulation Control of the Hybrid Dual Clutch Transmission Shift Process[J]. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 2020, 11. 11. 10.3390/wevj11010011.
[8] Huang, W., Huang, J., & Yin, C. Optimal Design and Control of a Two-Speed Planetary Gear Automatic Transmission for Electric Vehicle. Applied Sciences, 10(18), 6612.https://doi.org/10.3390/app10186612
[1] 殷承良,黄维,黄建锋. 一种用于电动车的双行星轮变速器及控制方法[P]. 发明授权专利号: CN109058402A, 授权公开日: 2018.12.21
[2] 殷承良,黄维,黄建锋. 一种用于电动车的电驱动传动装置及控制方法[P]. 发明授权专利号: CN109099131A, 授权公开日: 2018.12.28