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张健,男,博士,教授,2014年毕业于加拿大卡尔加里大学Schulich工学院,获设计工程(Design Engineering)博士学位,目前受聘汕头大学工学院创新设计学科方向,中国高等教育学会科技服务专家指导委员会委员,中国机械工程学会成组与智能集成技术分会委员会委员,广东省机械工程学会设备与维修工程分会理事会理事,广东欧美同学会第二届理事会理事。在设计理论与方法领域开展了一系列探索性研究,取得了具有国际水平的创新成果,发表学术论文80余篇,多次受国际学术会议邀请就研究工作进展做主题/特邀报告。先后获得国际生产工程科学院(CIRP)第22届设计年会杰出论文奖(Distinguished Paper Award,第一作者),可持续能源与绿色技术国际会议(SEGT 2019)最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award,第一作者),获得教育部高等学校科学技术进步一等奖1项(2018,第九完成人),广东省科技进步二等奖1项(2021,第一完成人),第一届潮汕星河黄旭华科技创新奖(2022,独立获奖人)。主要研究方向包括:产品博弈与设计演化理论;销售大数据分析与需求信息挖掘;开放式创新设计;可适应分析与设计;不确定性分析与设计;设计技术应用(高端装备、电动汽车、消费产品等)。



1. Zhang J, Xie G, Peng Q, Gu P. 2022. Product evolution analysis for supporting innovative design decisions using big sales data. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Accepted.

2. Zhang J, Lin P, Simeone A. 2022. Information mining of customers preferences for product specifications determination using big sales data. Procedia CIRP, 109: 101-106.

3. Zhang J, Du H, Chen Y, Xue D, Gu P. 2021. Robust design approach to the minimization of functional performance variations of products and systems. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 16(2):379-392.

4. Zhang J, Simeone A, Peng Q, Gu P. 2020. Dependency and correlation analysis of specifications and parameters of products for supporting design decisions. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 69(1): 133-136.

5. Zhang J, Wu M, Peng Q, Dixit U, Gu P. 2020. Design for interface stiffness of mechanical products using integrated simulation and optimization under uncertainty, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 6(2): 021006 (10 pages).

6. Zhang J, Chu X, Simeone A, Gu P. 2020. Machine learning-based design feature decision support tool via customers purchasing data analysis. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, 28: DOI: 10.1177/1063293X20963313.

7. Zhang J, Simeone A, Gu P, Hong B. 2018. Product features characterization and customers’ preferences prediction based on purchasing data. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 67(1):149-152.

8. Zhang J, Xue G, Du H, Garg A, Peng Q, Gu P. 2017. Enhancing interface adaptability of open architecture products. Research in Engineering Design, 28(4): 545-560.

9. Zhang J, Gu P, Peng Q, Hu SJ. 2017. Open interface design for product personalization. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 66(1): 173-176.

10. Zhang, J., Xue, D., and Gu, P. 2015. Adaptable design of open architecture products with robust performance. Journal of Engineering Design, 26(1-3): 1-23.

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