报告题目: Exploring Bayesian Filtering in Structural Health Monitoring
报告嘉宾:Subhamoy Sen副教授 印度理工学院 主 持 人:李东升教授
报告时间:2024.10.24 15:00-17:00
Meeting number: 2644 827 6935 Meeting password: SSnAAanP324
报告摘要: The presentation will last approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, followed by a 30-minute in-depth discussion. Key topics include the fundamentals of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), the importance of probabilistic assessment, and the application of Bayesian filters in SHM. Additionally, the talk will address the challenges posed by nonlinear filters and discuss advanced filtering techniques. By the end of the session, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of Bayesian filtering's role in SHM and explore real-world case studies from Indian infrastructure.
报告人简介:Subhamoy Sen,博士,印度理工学院副教授,研究生导师。在2004 年获得印度西孟加拉邦州长颁发的州长金奖,2009 年获得德国政府颁发的DAAD 奖学金,目前主持印度国家级基金项目4 项。在利用卡尔曼滤波类算法进行损伤识别方面有许多重要成果,在顶级期刊上发表50余篇有影响力的文章。目前,Subhamoy Sen带领的团队正研究印度的一座古老的钢制吊桥,主要分析环境因素对古老建筑结构的不利影响,以评估结构的健康状况,并预测结构的剩余寿命。