讲座嘉宾:李辉 教授 西安交通大学
讲座时间:2024年8月17日 9:00-11:00(周六)
李辉 教授简介:
李辉,西安交通大学教授,博士生导师,数学与统计学院计算科学系系主任;1999、2002年在西安交通大学获得数学与应用数学本科与硕士学位; 2008年在英国埃塞克斯大学获计算机科学博士学位;2007-2010年,英国诺丁汉大学计算机学院,博士后研究员;2016-2017年, 美国密歇根州立大学访问学者。学术职务:IEEE高级会员,陕西省运筹学协会常务理事。
主要研究兴趣包括:多目标优化、智能/进化计算、组合优化、机器学习、图像处理等。主要成果之一提出了基于分解多目标进化算法MOEA/D。该算法成为当前多目标进化计算研究主流算法之一,论文单篇SCI引用率达1800余次。相关研究成果论文获得IEEE TEVC期刊年度优秀论文奖。
Many multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have been proposed for dealing with various problem difficulties in multiobjective optimization over the past three decades. However, none of them can perform best for all problem difficulties. When solving a certain multiobjective optimization problem (MOP), a good multiobjective optimizer should take its problem features into account. When the problem features are unknown in advance, it is difficult to choose an appropriate algorithm as the prior solver. In this paper, we propose a Q-learning evolutionary multiobjective framework, denoted by QL-MOEA, to solve the MOPs with both separable variables and interacting variables. In QL-MOEA, either NSGA-II or MOEA/D is adaptively selected by intelligent agent in different stages of the evolution of population. Our experimental results show that QL-MOEA outperforms the baseline NSGA-II or MOEA/D in convergence speed.