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报告嘉宾:Liming Dai, PhD, P.Eng, ASME Fellow Professor of Industrial Systems Engineering University of Regina


报告题目:A Piecewise Linear Approach for Theoretical and Numerical Solutions of Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Systems


   Linearization is a common practice in solving for nonlinear dynamics systems, which damages accuracy and reliability of the solutions. The presentation is to introduce a newly developed semi-analytical and numerical approach through piecewise linearization for the solutions of linear and nonlinear dynamical systems, which are common in science, engineering and physics fields. The original physical information included in the governing equations of motion for the systems is mostly transferred into the solutions developed. Therefore, the solutions generated by the present approach reflect more accurately the characteristics of the responses of the systems. The solutions such derived are continuous with good accuracy and convergence in comparing with other numerical methods such as Runge–Kutta method, one of the most popular numerical methods in nonlinear dynamics. A comparison is presented for the exact solution and the one developed by the present approach in considering a linear problem. The advantages of the approach over the conventional numerical approaches for semi-analytically and numerically solving nonlinear dynamic problems are emphasized.



   Dr. Liming Dai 教授, 加拿大里贾纳大学(University of Regina)工业系统工程系 (Industrial Systems Engineering)终身教授,担任近十年的系主任,美国机械工程师协会(ASME)Fellow,具有国际公认的创新研究成果,丰富的管理经验和国际资源,长期从事非线 性动力学, 振动,混沌,高精度可靠性数值计算,现代设计,噪声控制理论及工业应用方向的研究,是连续25年加拿大自然科学基金 (NSERC)的获得者,也是加拿大 NSERC DAS奖的获得者。发表论文 300 余篇,专著 11 部。 Dr. Liming Dai 教授有在4个加拿大高校工作的经历。曾是加拿大一家企业的厂长兼总工程师。担任过多个国际会议的大会主席及 40 余个 ASME 和其它国际会议分会的主席和组织者,也是多个国际科技杂志的编审。曾在 12 个国家的 30 余所大学或研究单位讲学和演讲介绍他的研究成果。




上一条:工学院工程研究学术论坛(第634期) 下一条:工学院关于举办研究生学术月系列活动之学术海报展览的通知
