Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shantou University
Unique Capability
Biomedical engineering combines the theories and application of engineering in biology and medicine to study the state and changes of the human body at different levels and uses engineering techniques to regulate such changes. By providing solutions to medical problems and treatment of diseases through prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, human health can be guarded.
With the support of the Li Ka-shing foundation and partnering with the University of Michigan, Shantou University has formally established the Department of Biomedical Engineering. In developing the curriculum, we adhere to the system of "solid foundation, professionalism, flexibility, distinction, reinforcement training, and improving comprehensive quality and competency". The curriculum includes five major modules, namely; natural sciences and mathematics foundation, engineering fundamentals, biomedical foundations, biomedical engineering fundamentals, and design sequence courses.
International Curriculum and Teaching Staff
The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Shantou University delivers advanced lessons in English based on international curriculum from the University of Michigan. The curriculum covers medical instrumentation, medical signal processing, imaging technology, data analysis, biomechanics and biomedical engineering design. The teaching staff consists of local teachers with overseas experience, full time lecturers from University of Michigan and a team of outstanding overseas talent. The team has a good understanding of both the domestic education system with international exposure and advanced scientific research experience. A major research focus for the team is on the application of advanced technologies such as medical chips, large medical data set and brain machine interfaces in medical and health sciences.
International Training
This course aims to cultivate promising talents by combining knowledge and methods of engineering with life science; training students to master the field of biomedical engineering with the ability for innovation, independent learning and global view. We hope that this will lead to the development of cutting-edge medical equipment and lay a solid foundation for a progressive life science industry in the future.
Unique Learning Experience
Students take center stage in an open classroom atmosphere here at the Department. This transforms students from passive recipients to masters of learning. Largely through problem-based learning, students gather relevant knowledge through self-study, discussion, practice, hypothesis testing, and self-reflection. Our aim is to shape students' independence, develop their ability to innovate and acquire new knowledge, and use their new found knowledge to tackle hard problems.
Broad Prospects after Graduation
• pursue master's and doctoral degrees in the rapidly developing field of medical engineering and engage in advanced research and development in universities, research institutes, or industry R&D after graduation.
• pursue career in management, R&D, production, maintenance and sales in the medical device life science industries.
• work in the medical maintenance and engineering department in hospitals and be responsible for purchasing, managing and maintaining large-scale medical equipment and systems.
• engage in relevant professional and technical management work in relevant government departments such as drug administration, health departments, quarantine departments, rehabilitation institutions or patent office.
Address: Shantou University, 243 Daxue Road, Jinping District, Shantou City, Guangzhou Province
Telephone: +86-754-8650-2296
Fascimile: +86-754-8290-2005
Postcode: 515041
1、Student Recruitment Flyer for STUBME
2、STU & Michigan Collaboration Flyer